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Everything posted by RBH

  1. What a great guy, and an amazing talent.
  2. I set up Key bindings ( ctrl > ) for measure forward and ( ctrl < ) for measure back. This - gets me around, small-ish time jumps just fine. I use key bindings ( > ) and ( < ) to ( go to next ) and ( go to previous ) markers for major jumps.
  3. Is this locked to just Samplitude? or other Magix softwares. I used Variverb with Samplitude many years ago. Great plug-in but my understanding it was not a general use VST. I could not find anything about this on the link page. Or -is this just a presets package - not the Plug itself ?
  4. I've created a project temple of sorts. I initially set-up and mixed one song in the " album " project - completely. I then saved off a copy of this project and called it " buncha empty tracks ". I then erased all track and automation data and re-saved. For new subsequent projects related to the " album " I simply open the " buncha empty tracks " project and import my new track data. Then immediately save as to the new project name and include the save to audio project folders. I will add or delete a few tracks here and there related to the exact instruments or vocal tracks etc. But generally all of my track effects - Buss effects - folders - Track labels and general order and locations of the tracks and busses are the same, including ( basic pro channel eq's , comps - etc. ) So starting out a new project is basically import the tracks and go. The tracks are already labeled correctly so I simply import the kick to the kick track , have gates already assigned etc. - I treat it essentially the same as saving track templates and folders - without all of the re-assembly required. Another process I do is to create a buss with no effects assigned except maybe an analyzer such as SPAN and keep that handy for playback of any reference mixes or a clean mix buss that isn't processed through the master buss.
  5. This should be a sticky somewhere's. Good going !
  6. Wow -Bikini pics get kicked.... but Rambo pics are ok.
  7. Good lookin pup dog. Really ......... 70 pounds ?
  8. 32 bit floating point is the internal processing protocol that Cakewalk employs. As scook said it's been around since 2005. You may be confusing the internal processing with the bit depth used to import or export.
  9. Other items in software and hardware can cause dropouts as well. The link here : https://dpc-latency-checker.software.informer.com/1.3/ is one program that can help you determine if there are other system issues effecting your computers' effeciency
  10. Msmcleod uses the same workflow attitude that I do. I came from a tape background and for me it makes far more sense to work in destructive edit mode as much as required to keep things simple, straight forward and clean. I've been doing an album project for about the last year and I don't think I've had more than a 24 trk worth of DAW tracks for any one song. When I'm ready to mix, often my final mixes are flying faders on stems. This with a full drum Kit and 4-5 over dubbed vocals on backgrounds. The one thing I miss is that back in old days - you would have a focused session where decisions were made and all concerned band members, engineers and a producer were in the room. Now it's spread out and thrown around in cyber sphere, and it's not nearly as productive. lots more choices yes - but not as productive.
  11. I'm completely confused : I think Kontakt interface is like chewing sand. So- I guess IK is like chewing not quite as quicksand?
  12. You can't change the MIC phase - but you could change the phase of a track. cakes own Channel Tools plug-in has a number of tools for dealing with phase.
  13. All Prog matters. Really good selections.
  14. I've been waiting 6 years for them to add content to Independence Pro. Any day now ..... Super deals have been offered on Samplitude upgrades. except - it ain't as good as CbB as far as I'm concerned. So it sits waiting for the occasional archived tune to play.
  15. I'd be willing to pay for it as well. I purchased Sonar Pro a few months before the " Gibsonian atrocity " and was not able to round up to full Splat in time. I understand that BandLab might not own this plug content as part of the purchase of certain Cakewalk IP. - but it would be nice to figure out a way to purchase additional Pro Channel modules.
  16. RBH

    How To Delete Markers?

    It would add to convenience and workflow to be able to delete from a right click. I never really understood why that option is not available -you're essentially in marker edit mode.
  17. I bought it about 6 months ago for I think 50.00. It worked ok on my old win 7 system.. which is not a power house by any stretch - but it is efficient. Something about having difficulty accessing some basic envelope control that put me off on it. Can't quite recall what that was - but maybe I should give it another test run.
  18. Is there any intention to start a sub- forum for Articulation Maps ? sort of along the lines of the Themes forum ?
  19. The 0db and -10db relates to a " pad " that is built into the mic. This allows you to lower the level of the mic's output to optimize the pre-amps input. It can also keep the mics internal amp from over loading and distorting. Basically- I leave it at 0 and listen to a test recording to see if the mics internal pre-amp or the console or interface preamp is over loading your recording input or distorting. If it is - engage the pad, or back the mic away from the source a little. The curve line / flat line refers to a " bass roll-off feature. This can minimize low frequency pick-up from a number of sources - such as the mic stand on a stage. or general low frequency noise in the room - ( air conditioning system , or from a truck passing by. etc. This you engage again by doing a short recording test and listening for excess low end build up. sometime you use it to anticipate that there will other low frequency instruments or sound sources and you just decide to cut it out of the signal up front. Low frequency energy It can also trigger compressors when you're not intending to. - As Bitflipper said - use the roll -off by default , and save some headaches later. Looking at the Sterling site. There is a pretty poorly written specification for that mic. it says ( attenuation - N/A and high pass filter - N/A . That is very likely not correct.
  20. Best of luck to her as well as family and friends.
  21. Yea- I thought they were a really great band too. My brother turned me onto them back when. The albums were great for their time. I think I'm lucky in that I'm old enough to have real time witnessed some of the greatest song - smiths in history - 60's 70's and etc etc.
  22. And this is why I'm an instrumentalist - and not a lyricist
  23. I have Samplitude - Mix Buss - Reaper. I haven't launched any of them in 2 years. Cake is still taking the Cake.
  24. There are short cut keys to open various views - but I don't recall that toggling those same keys will close the same views. That could be pretty handy though.
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