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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Re eighth notes in CP, I wonder if it's possible to use the Band in a Box trick where you double the Tempo and then play it back at half speed to turn bars into half bars and quarter notes into eighth notes. Doubt it. I didn't see an obvious way to do it.
  2. Nice! Updated my .cps to v2! Have you tried the dark skin? Gray and gold. Love it! Untick 'Silver' in Options | More... under Model. If you like the color gradient on the A/C# slash chord, tick "Color gradient for slash chords" in Options | More... under Chord Colors.
  3. For fun, here's what I came up with for Hotel California. Place the "Hotel California.cps" file in the 'Sessions' folder you set up for ChordPulse. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eynoxbi4rgnu9jn/Hotel California.cps?dl=0 The repetitive piano drives me nuts. Can anyone find a better style? Not Band in a Box, but it's only $29, not the hundreds I've spent on BiaB. So far. Ha.
  4. Probably something really inconvenient like Eb melodic minor mixolydian b6.
  5. Neither. Unless you talk with your mouth full of becan! ?
  6. I already owned the bundle when the Rack was released. I didn't realize that, purchased this way, the individual plugins are tied to the rack. No big deal. And the missing plugins? All the 'Little' ones whose big brothers are included. No loss there, either.
  7. Quite right, y'all., it is. The dev didn't update the version number in the .EXE descriptor.
  8. I think that's a typo. I installed the update, and it registers as v3.0.1. Nothing major anyway. Change log: Increased envelope maximum segments from 64 to 256. Changed the skip cycle function on the first page of the metamorphic oscillator to alternate between the first and second waveforms instead of alternating between the mixed wave and nothing. This gives the user the ability to create any skip cycle they desire by using the first and second wave. Fixed the impulse oscillator so the sound changes when the impulse period dial is moved using either a mouse drag or mouse wheel. Fixed clicking at note start when detune is set to free running and Intel AVX parallel processing is enabled. Fixed clicking at note end when volume ADSR is used and Intel AVX parallel processing is enabled.
  9. I have Amplitube 4 MAX, which includes the Ampeg SVX 1 kit, but not SVX 2. When I checked my personal offers, SVX 2 was $50. But...this sale offers the SVX1/SVX2 bundle for $40. Using JAM points, I only paid $28 for SVX2. Woot! Best price I've seen, and don't think I'll ever see it lower.
  10. Get there as early in the morning as possible, or preorder what you'll want. They do sell out.
  11. I used to drive right by Kenosha on the way up from Chicago to the O&H Danish Bakery store on Hwy 11 in Racine. Love me some kringles! My favorite, the pecan kringle!
  12. Note that Softube Tape also includes Tape Multitrack, for use in a Studio One MixFX slot. Very nice!
  13. Looks nice. Informed me that there was an update available for MODO Bass. Downloaded OK, then it looked like it was installing the update. Got a message saying successful update. NOT. I had to find the download folder and run the update manually. Not sure what happened with the Prod. Mngr. but once it thinks it's run the update OK, it sits on the new version number and won't let you use the PM to rerun the update. So, manually it was.
  14. I've finally gotten everything Magix out of my system. Just wondering if the Steinberg and Magix SpectraLayers products are identical code. Or are they two forks of an earlier version? Anyone?
  15. There was a .DLL with the same filename, so I assumed it was the VST2 version. It's not. Failed to scan. My bad. As of 11:04 MST (now same as Pacific), the update has yet to show up in via the Steinberg update app.
  16. For a mobile Android DAW with an available high quality USB audio driver, check out Audio Evolution Mobile (trial version available). Another great choice is G-Stomper Studio. Neither is free, but both are inexpensive. I recall spending about $14 for the AEM DAW and their audio interface driver combo. And I vaguely recall G-Stomper being about $10. Since I own both, I don't see prices anymore. ? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.extreamsd.aemobile&hl=en_US https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.planeth.gstomper&hl=en_US
  17. I gave up on OneNote. Way more than I need. Didn't like working with the Android version. Or the desktop version. Switched to Evernote. Easy to use Android and Windows apps. One word of caution. I have the Plus Plan ($34.99/year). That seems to not be available anymore. It's either Free, or Premium ($7.99/mo) or Business ($14.99/user/mo (min. 2)). The Free plan is limited to 60MB of uploads per month. If you're using it to just capture lyric ideas, the Free plan should be fine. Now I know why I've been getting regular UPGRADE emails. Ha! I'm going to hang on to that Plus plan.
  18. Purchased from Koby. Anyone remember the hell you had to go through to automate the ribbon on the early Blackhole releases? They figured that one out pretty quick. Ribbons everywhere now!
  19. Oops. My SL6 uninstall seemed to also remove the VST2 plugin. The good news, however, is that both are available in the SpectraLayers 7 app folder...the VST3 version under C:\Program Files\Steinberg\SpectraLayers 7\ARA\VST3 and the VST2 version under C:\Program Files\Steinberg\SpectraLayers 7\Win64. I just copied them to my VST2 and VST3 folders. Thanks for the heads-up!
  20. Any clue re what changed, other than the plugin names (installs in parallel with v1.5)?
  21. Cthulhu by Xfer Records has a good arpeggiator module. https://xferrecords.com/products/cthulhu Thesys by Sugar Bytes adds more manipulation. https://sugar-bytes.de/en/thesys If you have a spare $200 (but now 15% off), check out Divisimate. I've not tried it, but it may suit your needs best. https://divisimate.com/
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