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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. I bought your Disk #17 and like it. And your Expanded Styles! Any updates based on the newer Micro-chords feature in BiaB? Norton Music Style disk 17
  2. I just checked. The Audiophile Edition (uncompressed .WAV files) is not available for download, only via HD. While it's certainly downloadable via a gigabit internet connection like mine, it would be such a huge d/l that server load would be expensive. The current UltraPAK version (compressed .WMA files, which is the one I have) is still really big and is offered for download or on HD for those with slower internet connections. I checked just the current RealTracks folder. Mine is 130 GB in 197,395 files. I wonder how long that would have taken to download via my old 9600 baud modem in the '80s? ?
  3. I agree, but... I still remember what SONAR went through with the development of the Skylight GUI after v8.5 into X1, then X2, then X3. That was far from painless. From a visual perspective, BiaB is really cluttered, with huge menus. It's just got a ton of options. Very much like Reaper, which I like and have great respect for (as I do for BiaB). Development resources are finite. Back in the day when I worked for the original Motorola, we had three development teams for major software packages: next point (bug fixes), next dot (minor feature additions and major bug fixes, and next version (next big release), all running in parallel. I doubt that PG Music has those kinds of resources available, so the resources required to code a major change in the GUI would take away from something else. And now they've got a Mac version, whose development requires separate resources. The first 64-bit version of BiaB crashed on Win10, but they got that worked out pretty quickly. BiaB now runs smoothly on Win11. The inevitable crashes and instability that would come with a new GUI have to be considered. I manage OK with the current GUI for BiaB, but don't even install Real Band. I use Studio One and Reaper for DAW duties, and have no interest if figuring out a third DAW. The reference to the growing pains of the SONAR Skylight interface have been discusses on this forum in the past. Here are a couple of links for reference. Is Skylight interface getting obsolete A nice comment from Reid Rosefelt
  4. A real visionary, he is. Their first mention was the posting of all of the 2024 videos on their YT channel yesterday (Tuesday, 5 Dec). I first checked their website. It was still showing the 2023 version. I watched the videos, then went back to the website, and 2024 was up for sale. At the time I purchased the update, the web pages for the bonus packs and the 49 extra pack had not been updated, and the links were broken. But all of the extras were offered during the purchase process. Bought them all and used their nicely updated Install Manager to install all of the files. Seamless.
  5. BiaB 2024 dropped yesterday. Kind of surprised that hasn't been mentioned here yet. The Multitrack selector and Tracks view are two highlights and IMO justify the upgrade cost. There are a bunch of videos covering the update on their YT channel. PG Music YT channel
  6. Not the most straightforward download, installation and authorization process, but it was worth it, IMO. This is a great sounding orchestral library.
  7. 287,40 €, including French VAT, the exact same price as on Sonuscore's website. Better to buy direct.
  8. I am not surprised by the number of updates after the release of a new major version. Reaper has a large, active user community that provides useful feedback. The devs get props for responding so quickly to (not unexpected) issues and fixing them. There are almost daily "current version + current date development version" updates posted. I don't install any of those, since they tend to include functionality that is still under development and won't be included in the next minor release. Then there tends to be one or two "current version + 0.01 rc1/rc2" releases that have the development stuff stripped out. I don't install those either. I wait for the next dot release and install that.
  9. I felt the same, even though there have been minor updates to his other plugins over the last few years. When I purchased TENS using PayPal, his website automatically created a user account with a temporary password using the email account from PayPal. Since I moved to France, I had to set up a new email. All of my previous purchases were in a user account under my U.S. email address. So, I sent an email to his help address asking if it was possible to consolidate the two user accounts under my new email. He replied in less that TWO MINUTES, saying that he'd done that and deleted the previous user account. Absolutely SUPERIOR service!
  10. I have all of Klanghelm's excellent, inexpensive plugins. Just added TENS to my arsenal.
  11. What feels super-sluggish to me is the amount of time needed to "install" an update, almost as bad, or maybe even worse, than Arturia's Software Center.
  12. Yup. SoL SE is excellent. Amazing what you can do with a handheld recorder when out in nature. I love living in Arcachon, but what I do miss from the U.S. are my daily dog walks in the Coconino National Forest in Flagstaff. The trailhead was 100 meters from my front door. My 3 dogs and I would routinely walk 4-6 km, with my poodle/Jack Russell choosing the route.
  13. Hey, Fleer! I also just picked up Vocalesque V1 today. Small world. Kathie Talbot, the voice of Vocalesque is one heck of a talented lady.
  14. Agree. My needs are pretty simple and the free version covers all of those bases. But after several years of using the free version, I bought the Pro version just to support the dev. It sat on v2.4.3 for a long time, and I started t wonder if it had run its course, but the dev is still clearly working on it, so I remain happy that I went Pro (with the plugin, not myself ?). The dev has to pay rent and put food on the table like the rest of us.
  15. There was also an update for Kontakt to v7.7.1.
  16. Same here. I can almost see where Arbiter might fit in, but if I didn't know how good and serious the dev is, I'd have guessed that this "bundle" was released on 1 April. ?
  17. Really good emulation. I bought this when it was released a few years ago. It includes a standalone version, as well, which is convenient for a practice session, without having to load either Gig Performer or Studio One.
  18. Nice! Picked up the SM ONE crossgrade from SM2 for $9, plus $5 for the one expansion I was interested in. ?
  19. Rumble.com is blocked here in France. EDIT: Just saw @Jeremy Oakes post, so nevermind.
  20. If it were just an "updater", things would be easy. But the new generation of "updaters" is all about pushing ads for the products you don't own yet. UVI's is the worst, bu there are many examples.
  21. I started learning music notation in parallel with learning to play the piano when I was 8 years old. By the time I reached 12, after studying with the soloist for the St. Louis Philharmonic for 3 years, I could read notation like it was a book written in English. I just knew what everything meant. But to this day, 60 years later, I still struggle with Bb and Eb instruments and how to score them. I don't do it often, and need to refresh every single time.
  22. That's been my experience, as well. I first purchased SO Pro when it was at version 2. PreSonus' version updates have added tons of new features for free, before releasing a new major version. v3 didn't last long, but v4, v5 and now v6 have all had significant in-version updates. Paying for a major version upgrade every 2+ years has cost less than a subscription, and I don't want or need a bunch of the additional stuff that comes with the subscription. Also, if a new major version doesn't offer me anything I can use, I can stick with what I currently have, without losing the license to use it.
  23. I first saw John Mayall in the mid-70s at B'ginnings in Schaumburg, IL. He was dressed in a T-shirt, cut-off blue jean shorts and barefoot. It was a superb show. Really high energy. Been a fan ever since.
  24. If you need a new audio interface, consider a PreSonus. I'm on my second, an 1810c. It's a really solid unit. Studio One Artist is included with some (many? all?) of them. You can upgrade to SO Pro from that. Since v5, SO Artist includes third party VST support, so you no longer need to purchase that option. It's pretty capable on its own.
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