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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I think you should be very proud of this. I like the very subtle extra touches, the castanets and the tubular bells (both maybe louder?) and the dominating cadence of that rhythm never got boring, because you switched the leads in and out. Plus a nice dynamic arc. Well done! cheers, -Tom
  2. Uh, define "stranded" But also, hello! Long time no hear from!
  3. Live Free and/or Die
  4. Let's not rule out Sturgis! Safe returns and best of luck, Larry . . .
  5. PhonoBrainer


    Very nice! I was on headphones and so got the separations - I'd vote for pulling the edge elements in a bit more toward center. Personal choice for sure - but strings hard panned are for me offputting because I expect strings to be a bit more blendy. It's hard to pull off soaring string lines if they are heavily panned. That out of the way, this piece has movement and a bit of creepiness and uncertainty, all useful in a horror or a melodramatic context, so you are definitely well on your way there! cheers, -Tom
  6. Well that was freakin awesome. Got a great Pink Floyd / Alan Parsons vibe. Mix I thought was top shelf. Video was excellently crafted. Plus the guitar lust factor. Would be interested in which Kemper profiles were used . . . they sounded amazing. The clarity and resolution of the vid was great, was that just filmed on a phone, or something a little more special? I thought the purple light accenting the acoustic guitar was especially neat. so glad I heard this today! cheers, -Tom
  7. PhonoBrainer

    My Better Days

    Super laid back and understated, really cool and calming. Kudos on those vocals and the lyrics - very heartfelt, and I like your voice! Kind of a 70's throwback! For me a mix crit might be the bass guitar, it seems to fill the mix with a bit overmuch low energy. I think it is good in volume, but it's kind of puffy, like the bass guit is allowed too much range. I don't know where your upper EQ rolloff is for the bass, but you might try a bit lower, and maybe a notch cut around 100 or 150 to boot. ? When the bass and the B3 are going at the same time, I think the b3 suffers 'cause the bass is filling everything up down there. Anyway just my .02 Zimbabwe dollars - great tune, love the vibe. cheers, -Tom
  8. Very good vocal performance! In your song arrangement, I liked the part at the end of a verse? where other instruments fell away, leaving just the vocal. Nice choice there! Cheers, -Tom
  9. Yeah I thought Dylan, in the cadences and style, but it's your own thing. FWIW I listened on earbuds from my phone, and I thought the bass was perfect! That can't help you much but I was happy. You might cut the intro down? I found it a tad long but glad I waited for the main groove to get there. Maybe Buffett is a writing influence as well? Jimmy, not Warren. ? Cool tune! Cheers, Tom
  10. What the actual f ? Suddenly the murder hornet actually looks cuddly! I wonder: although internet pundits might prove them identically lethal - which one gives you a more pleasant death?
  11. I like how you have some sonic elements that fight the groove, but the groove is still there and can't be denied. It won't be everyone's cup of funk but I dig it! I gotta get me some psychadelic flangey vocals going - and in this song you might bring them up just a bit in the mix, in the first half of the tune particularly. Nice outtro boomwhacker! I always appreciate your creativity. cheers, -Tom
  12. @Douglas Kirby, @Bajan Blue, @noynekker, @Wookiee, @DeeringAmps, @daryl1968, @David Sprouse - a super big thanks to all for your comments, much obliged for your time. The kick drum was an issue from the get go, and correctamundo it's not that spleen-shattering subby kick you might expect. I probably shouldn't have advertised this as EDM! The kick as it is is part of the "Moonkits" drum thing for Kontakt, which is bent more toward the jazz/funk than the dance floor. I'm sure I can go back and exhange some sizzle for some beef - thanks for the observations, it helps. The "metal drum riffage" at the end is as noted pretty loud - it's an example of me just loving a part and not wanting to turn it down properly! I thought about adding a bass guitar in but decided that the guitar is too loud, too! I know I could do more with that section if I just found the brains to turn the guitar and drums down. We'll see! thanks again, -Tom
  13. Jeeze, this is creepily spot on. You do such a good job on these. Loved reading your mix breakdiown, thanks for that. Your vocals totally work and sound full and interesting all the way through. You've got those cool little vocal mannerisms, that Hetfield does, down. So great! cheers, -Tom
  14. Nice tune! I thought the lead vocal could have a bit more midrange added back to it, it's kind of eq;d on the bright side and sounds a bit thin maybe in spots. The bgv's really are a good add, they blend well and support the lead. At :54 your panned rhythm guitar strums are not in sync? I dunno, might be worth a check. Good luck with getting this one more air time, that would be very cool! cheers, Tom
  15. Love the vocal recording, so nice and up front, and the rest of the mix instruments are wonderfully crisp and clear. Just another great mix, promised and delivered! I appreciated the understated approach you brought to this, it works a treat. cheers, -Tom
  16. Hey Freddy, great job on the video, and I agree he's worthy of a tribute and then some. I did not know that story about Wilson, quite a testimony. cheers, -Tom
  17. I'm sorry. We want a block of flats, not an abbatoir.
  18. PhonoBrainer

    The Surf

    Thank you for posting this picture! I hate it! Meanwhile, your tune is awesome, this is a new fav. Love the mellotron. How about "Switched-On Mellotron" or "Switched-On Wookie"?
  19. I listened on headphones, and I agree great guitar work on all those parts, it all connects into a whole. Plenty of groove! I found on headphones a kind of over fatness in the sub bass, maybe 100 hz? About as low as my headphones could go? Like there was a lot of energy down there that was robbing the highs of your mix a bit. I don't know what you could do with that observation . . . but there you go! I thought of the very excellent Chaquico / Hedges stuff - you have a great guitar musical sensibility. cheers, -Tom
  20. This was an absolute pleasure from start to finish, and all I did was noodle the piano a bit and comment. Markno999 was so creative and super diligent, raising the bar all the way along, and came up with awesome arrangement and mix. Thanks so much, M#999! This tune now has a musicality I could scarcely have known was possible. Kudos!!!
  21. Kind of gothic bluegrass EDM. Would love specific ideas about what's wrong in the mix, or any comments, really! thanks!
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