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Everything posted by Billy86

  1. As stated in OP, CW tempo map is not retaining anything I do in Melodyne. See @msmcleod comment about this issue.
  2. Right. Did that. But it’s not retaining the tempo edits I make in Melodyne before dragging it to the timeline.
  3. Yes. Melodyne region effect on a wavering-tempo stereo audio file.
  4. Thanks. I’ll try when back at my computer. AFAIK Cakewalk's temAFAIK Cakewalk's tempo extraction always uses Melodyne's automatic tempo detection, rather than any you make within Melodyne itself. Hopefully, this can be added as a new feature. Many of the tutorials on YT are in Studio One, from which I attempted to extrapolate. In Studio One, the process for applying an edited Melodyne tempo to a project is, well… a Cakewalk. ?
  5. This has been driving me crazy for a solid week now, and I think I've tried everything. I've watched all the video tutorials I can find, and RTFM, but I still can't figure out how to apply a Melodyne track tempo from a stereo file that was not played to a click track. I'm pulling what's left of my hair out!? I've written Melodyne but they haven't replied yet. Here are the steps I'm using: 1. I "create region effect" of Melodyne on the full song clip. Melodyne opens in polyphonic mode. Great. 2. I change the algorithm to universal, b/c that's what Melodyne guru Rich Crescenti said is the way to go. Melodyne redetects the file. Great. 3. I go into Note Edit mode in Melodyne and open the Tempo Editor. Great. 4. I get things all set up. A tweak here, a tweak there if things drift off beat. The song plays great with the Melodyne metronome. Everything is on a mapped beat. The tempo map grooves with the song. Great. All set. 5. I render the Melodyne region effect. Great. 6. I drag the Melodyne tempo mapped file up to the timeline. 7. The tempo map produced is NOT the one I did in Melodyne!? The Cakewalk metronome IS NOT on the beat, so I can't sync VSTs to it. It's not the tempo map I just created in Melodyne. I've also tried to simply drag/drop the free-form stereo song clip to the timeline. Melodyne asks me what algorithm I want to use, I choose universal. It does it's thing and produces the same flawed tempo map. What am I doing wrong? Once the wrong tempo map is created, it seems there's NO WAY in Melodyne to edit/save/apply it to the project. Thanks for any help!
  6. Does this have strum patterns/loops? Always looking for such basic techniques triggered by keyswitches.
  7. So, Relay is on the track you want Nectar 3 to “listen” to as the masking signal, and you select it in Nectar in the Unmask module. What do you mean “it never completes”? It begins the unmasking and then stops unmasking?
  8. I think maybe @Artie Choke did that? I didn't get a PM from you so I could provide the link.
  9. That’s it. Huge sale going on there now, with 70% off a ton of plugs. I couldn’t readily find if they come in the VST~type plugins or if you need to be running on a native UAD platform. Thanks. Edit: Found my answer. Yes they come in VST3.
  10. Same issue here with 5.4.1. Love ST as well; hope they fix soon. Problem is, they rarely email about updates. I still have the 5.3.5 installer, but afraid if I roll back, I'll lose the new SuperPlate I got when I updated to 5.4.1. Will you post if ST contacts you about the fix? Thanks!
  11. Sorry for the delay. Busy day. You can PM me and I can also send you a DropBox link to the 3.7 installer.
  12. Yes. I’m not at my computer but will post something when I am. Also, I contacted them last week about the issue and the tech support person said a fix in Version 3.9 was scheduled for May but is behind and should be available shortly.
  13. Try this: add an audio track. Drag in some audio. Any mp3 with some run time will do. Mute the audio track. See if your simple instrument track will play. I’ve had this issue before and it seemed CW wasn’t reading anything after an initial little blip of Midi if there was no audio. It would blip then simply stop. The added audio track gives CW something to process and should run however long the audio is and your MIDI should play. YMMV.
  14. Thanks everyone! Great advice and workflow ideas. Much appreciated.
  15. I’m prepping to make my first EP – 3 to 5 songs as a “united whole.” Over the past couple of years, I’ve mixed and mastered each track separately as I figured out how to work in CW, without thought to this long-term possibility. Now, I want the songs to have a cohesive “whole” feel… like an album. The mixdowns are all in separate project folders. Some (the later ones) are better than others (the earlier ones). I plan on revisiting each to polish anything that seems to need it based on my current knowledge and skill level. For mastering tools, I’m using Ozone 10 with references to get in the ballpark. I also have Izotope’s RX8 (if that could figure into the workflow). Additionally, I have Izotope’s Insight, which I just picked up at a great loyalty offer price. Great for metering an analysis. Ultimately, I’d like to go through Distrokid to get on the streaming platforms. To help on that front, I have ADPTR Audio’s Metric A/B for seeing how I stack up with references out in the streaming world in my genre (rock) as well as their Streamliner, which helps prep things for streaming with LUFS loudness/dynamic levels, etc. I'm unsure where to start this process. After I polish my pre-master stereo mixdowns, should I pull those into a single “mastering” project, with a track for each, all running through the same session of Ozone? I’m sure, like everything else, there are more ways than one to approach this. Looking for foundational best practices to keep in mind. Any suggestions as to how to approach this maiden “EP compilation” voyage would be appreciated! What a long, strange trip it's been! ?
  16. As I’ve stated this has not been my experience. I have that checked and the hide/show functionality does not appear the same in those views. Am I misunderstanding?
  17. Thanks. I used @msmcleod suggestion and it worked great.
  18. Thanks! I'll give it a go when I'm at back in the project.
  19. I have a stereo mix down of a project that I’m mastering in a separate project. I’d like to bring in the Arranger track from the mixing project into the mastering project for a quick visual reference to the various sections. Does the answer lie somewhere down the Arranger Template rabbit hole, or is that a different animal?
  20. @msmcleod curious… what about plugin load balancing? Does this not create any parallel (as opposed to serial) processing? Or CPU/system optimization such as BitSum’s Project Lasso or ParkControl? https://bitsum.com How (do?) they impact engine load performance? Project Lasso allows you to assign system priorities to applications when they’re running, which I’ve done for CbB. May be my imagination, but my system seems to be more stable and robust since installing a couple months ago. Example: currently finishing a dense rock project with 90 (gulp!) plugins — at least when exporting my mix a toast notification says ‘flushing 90 plugins’ when going about its business.
  21. Thanks for the attempt. Surprised by the response. Did they say ‘until we get it fixed’?
  22. Thanks everyone for weighing in. I’ll probably take the plunge. Seems like a pretty good deal and pretty flexible across a wide array of usage.
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