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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Keith I like this, chord progressions are great Interesting use of AI Cool Nigel
  2. Hi Larry I like this, sounds good and I like the way it evolves Nigel
  3. Hi - I like this - sounds very well arranged and mixed The vocals sound good Cool Nigel
  4. Hi I like this - definitely a bit like Ozric Tentacles - agree with Wookie re the drums Cool Nigel
  5. Hi Bjorn Really liked this - only thing i think i would have done is to run the dialog through some kind of plug in to tone down the hissing. Nigel
  6. Hi - Great Cover - really enjoyed this Nigel
  7. Hi Bjorn Thanks, always appreciate your comments cheers Nigel Hi kevin Thanks for the very kind comments cheers Nigel Hi Thanks so much and I'm pleased you enjoyed it Cheers Nigel Hi Wookie Sorry to hear you have been ill - hope you are well on the way to a full recovery - thanks for the great comments as always Cheers Nigel
  8. Hi Steve Love this - great version. Love your vocals and the accordion is so right!! I've played this many times - always sounded best (to me?) when drunk in some small Irish Pub!! Cool Nigel
  9. Hi tom you know I always appreciate your support and great comments Thanks again Nigel
  10. Hi Lynn Thanks, your comments always appreciated Cheers Nigel Hi Jerry Thanks so much for the very kind comments Cheers Nigel Hi Thanks so much for taking the time to watch and comment - much appreciated Nigel
  11. Hi Bjorn Very pleasant instrumental - enjoyed the listen Nigel
  12. Hi Jack Really like this but those cymbals at 3.06 to the end do sound very "splashy" Cheers Nigel
  13. Bajan Blue


    Hi I like this but I do think that break in the middle from about 1.04 to 2.00 is too long. Apart from that enjoyable Nigel
  14. Hi Kevin Good cover, I like your interpretation Cool Nigel
  15. Hi Steve great Guitar intro Enjoyed the track Cool Nigel
  16. Hi Iike this but do agree with Jack re the Kick - its a bit distracting at the moment Cheers Nigel
  17. Hi Glenn Good track enjoyed this - agree Sax sounds really good Cool Nigel
  18. Hi Thanks so much for the very kind comments - they are always appreciated I will definitely have a look mid range frequencies - always like to learn!! Again thanks Nigel
  19. Hi Paul Really like this and I am with both Steve and Lynn's comments Great stuff Cool Nigel
  20. Hi Sounds good - I do think the Guitar counterbalancing the vocal starting around .30 secs is a bit too loud and distracts from the vocals which are good Apart from that, the mix sounds pretty good although is it heavily compressed? The mix is loud Apart from that cool Nigel
  21. Bajan Blue


    Hi Definitely agree with Bjorn Cool Nigel
  22. Bajan Blue


    Wow, Makke goes rock - and I just accused Bjorn of trying to out-Makke Makke on his latest track - whats going on!!!! Enjoyed this, sounds good Nigel
  23. Hi Bjorn I like this but it does sound if you are trying to out-Makke Makke, if you see what I mean!!!! Anyway good listen, enjoyed it Cheers Nigel
  24. Hi Andrea at Pettinhouse is busy developing a Guitar library that he says is more realistic - he posted the video below - I don't think he has released it yet but it might be interesting if he succeeds in making these Guitar libraries sound more authentic - without having to spend days trying to program them!! Nigel
  25. Hi Makke Glad you liked this and as always thanks for the very kind comments Nigel
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