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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Paul I really like this track and I think this could be stellar - reminds me a lot of a Nick Lowe song However, I do agree with the comments re the timing issues - once you get them sorted this will be great Nigel
  2. Tom this is great love - love the track and the video Far out man!!! Really cool, really enjoyed this Nigel
  3. Hi Barry - nice track, think I agree with Mark re the drums, otherwise all good Enjoyed the listen Nigel
  4. Hi Larry - thanks for that, praise indeed Appreciated Nigel
  5. Bajan Blue

    Gas Giant 2?

    Sounds great and love the Bass - could hear this onthe soundtrack of a great SC fi move like 2001 Cool stuff Nigel
  6. Happy Birthday Dave - have a good one Nigel
  7. HI Lynn Thanks, really do appreciate the comments and support Keep well Nigel
  8. Hi Jack - thanks for having a watch and appreciate the comments Cheers Nigel
  9. Hi Steve Thanks so much, really appreciate those great comments Cheers Nigel
  10. Hi Guys Here is the eleventh track off our latest album Regeneration. The track is called I Want To Have It Easy. Hope you enjoy it. Nigel https://devinelie.com https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B002GLCV8K/devine-lie https://open.spotify.com/artist/2Sd0BBWtT5fv0GaXLoKTAC https://www.youtube.com/c/DevineLie/videos
  11. Nice laid back track Larry with some great playing Cool Nigel
  12. Hi Peter - great track and great playing - sounded fantastic Cool stuff and hope the album goes well Nigel
  13. Great smooth Jazzy track - really enjoyed this Nigel
  14. Good track - enjoyed the listen - on my set up the "hissing" on the vocal did stick out a bit - might be the reverb you used but apart from that good stuff Nigel
  15. Lee - excellent track - really liked the overall sound on this Cool Nigel
  16. Enjoyed the track and the vocals - what exactly did anyone get upset about - perhaps I missed it? Nigel
  17. Mark - great playing and very well recorded and mixed - enjoyed this Cool Nigel
  18. Love the "Hank" bends in this - good track, enjoyed the listen Nigel
  19. Hi Craig - really like this, great track and loved the vocals Nigel
  20. he's got my coat on cheeky bugger!!!!
  21. Indeed, it's one of my hobbies, along with flower arranging and trainspotting ..........as I said before, multitasking is the watch word these days?
  22. Very nice indeed - the Bass not the couch!!! nigel
  23. thanks for that - interesting you had similar issue - shall check it out Cheers Nigel
  24. Hi - I have Omnishpere 1 but am having real issues trying to authorise on my new Computer - the challenge code which comes up on the authorisation screen that comes up when you load it is corrupted - so I considered an upgrade to V2 - the best price I can find is either on best service or Specratsoncis themselves, which is 249 dollars - anyone now a better deal or if it ever goes on sale - Black Friday perhaps?? Thanks Nigel
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