Hi Jack
I like this - one thing, I could hear some hi level hiss / distortion at 0.50 to 2.14 - it also came back later at 2.52
not sure if part of the song, but didn't sound like it
Otherwise all good
Hi everyone
Here is the fourteenth (and penultimate) track off our latest album Regeneration. The track is called Take the Knife.
Also we eventually finished our website update –if you have a bit of time, have a look!
Hope you enjoy it.
Hi Jesse
This is great, I really like this - love your guitar, loose but cool - everything on the edge of falling apart but just holding together - bit like me I think sometimes!!
Excellent my friend
Hi Jesse
This is great, I really like this - love your guitar, loose but cool - everything on the edge of falling apart but just holding together - bit like me I think sometimes!!
Excellent my friend
Hi Steve - I really enjoyed this - really remined me of Stackridge! I saw them a lot back in the day.
That new Piano sounds great - you must be pleased
Thanks for positing, enjoyed this a lot.