Hi Lynn - great track and as a bit of lyrics person myself, loved the lyrics - really excellent
Great playing throughout and mix was really good
Very cool
Hi - love this - that pedal really sounds great - shall have to keep an eye out for one of those!
Great Bass rif - in fact great playing all round
Liked this a lot - and the video was cool - it's a struggle to continually come up with new stuff for videos, i know I find it harder than doing the music for them!!
Hi Daryl
I really like this - drums / bass sound great - well tight
I love those synths - the one starting at 0.50 is just so eighties but it sounds so right here.
Brilliant track - loved it
Hi Pete
I loved this - and your vocalist is superb - absolutely loved her voice
This reminds me of something like a track from Trees - a UK folk rock band from the 1970's
Really cool