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Everything posted by kevro2000

  1. That would be awesome. I hope someone can produce this!
  2. Tecknot, you were correct, as well. I just could not see that Ujam had installed to some weird location on my hard drive "C:\VTRoot." All taken care of now, Thanks for your input!
  3. ZincT, You were correct. For some reason, Ujam Iron had self-installed to some place on my drive called "VTRoot," which I cannot view from Windows Explorer. I could only find it using the search software, "Everything." I certainly did not choose that as an installation path, but that did certainly fix it... its loaded in CW, and me and my MIDI keyboard are ready to play!! Thanks for your help!
  4. Yep, I'll give that a try this weekend, when I get back to that machine. I know, due to double-checking, that the files are in c:\program files\vstplugins, and that folder is in scan path. If this works, I'll come back and mark the post as solved.
  5. As a part of my Focusrite Scarlett experience, I downloaded for free the Ujam Iron Virtual Guitarist. It installed successfully, and shows up on my hard drive, but I cannot seem to find it when I've got CW open, and "insert new instrument." It should be working great. Its not the only VSTi, or VST effect that I cannot find. I'm not at my CW machine, so I cannot look up what specific VST affects/instruments are MIA. Most of them do work, and work well, I might add. Since I wanted to play w/the UJam this past weekend, and it not working, I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Thx.
  6. I wish it would minimize and stay within (visible) the main CW window, rather than get lost somewhere else. If it stays within the proggy, it would be one click to restore back to size.
  7. Yep. I had discovered this key combo by accident, and use it quite frequently. Usually, unintentionally: I keep expecting <shift + arrow keys> to work like the do in other windows programs. I think my eyeballs are on some object, I'm expecting the timeline pointer to move in increments of beats or bars or whatever: sort of like, in a Word document, shift left or shift right would move cursor one word at a time. ☺ At least, nothing detrimental happens when I do this.
  8. Thank you, Scook! That was the answer, and I do not think I would have ever discovered it. At least, not in a timely fashion. Thanks!!
  9. Scook, Thanks..I'm about to fire up CbB, and your suggestion may be just the thing. I frequently tap keys that change things unexpectedly, perhaps this is what happened! ??????
  10. Hi, everyone! Anyone else experiencing this issue? The Problem When I have a clip selected, and press the numpad shortcut keys for nudge, nothing happens. I can nudge using the menu, but not with keyboard shortcuts. The Details Win10 on Win7 Prof, HP Pro Desktop, i5 Processor. Other shortcut keys are working fine: L for looping, N for snap on/off, etc I've confirmed that Number Lock is on and can key numbers : 123456789. I've checked Preferences, everything appears to be set up correctly for nudging. Thanks, Kevin
  11. I would handle tubes with tight-fitting gloves or plastic ones, like they use in hospitals. I may be overly careful, but don't like to put prints or body oil on the tubes. Outside of that, can't hurt to try those stewmacs
  12. Starship Krupa: Most excellent rhyming! In square dancing, we call the rhyming, "patter"
  13. Related to the time stretch improvements: BEFORE the latest update, I had just finished a square dance cover of THIS MASQUERADE by G. Benson. My original MIDI files (and the base on which I built up some audio trax) were set at 122 bpm, and the key is way to high. After mixdown, I stretched the timing to be at 126 bpm, and thought CW did a very good job handling. Unstretched? Compressed the timing? Whatever, did the <ctrl+shift> & grab edge of file and moved it left. My point is that if I liked what CW did for the timing adjustment before the most recent update, I'm excited to hear how good it is on the next project. Another awesome point: I pitch shifted the entire mixdown a step and a half: now I can sing it. However, lesson learned for me: pitch-shift indiv trax before mixdown, so that drums/percussion is not affected by the shift. If u read all that, thanks! K
  14. I know others have said they are using Focusrite 18i20 2nd gen. I do, too. It works very well. When I need more than what the 18i20 mic preamps can handle, I use an M-Audio DMP3 mic interface, which I love for its clean-ness. Thanks, Kevin
  15. I've never had that problem. But I didn't know that it could be set to stop at end of song.. get to look for a new setting, now.
  16. Thanks! That sf3 in musescore is playing a file well: for square dancing, I need to split and copy all the parts into 7 sequences of 64 beats: it'd be easier to do it in CW, but may have to work it out in MuseScore. A task I'm not well suited for. But after that, I guess I can convert the file into individual wav (or whatever audio ext) I can get out of each track - slow & tedious ☺
  17. Hi, everyone: Does CW have ability to play sf3's without adding other Vst(i)? If not, is there a freeware/open source sf3 player that you know of that will work? The new musescore sf3 sounds pretty good, that's what I'm trying to get at. Thanks, kevro
  18. Thanks, SCook! I've never used Melodyne, but I had read somewhere that all u had to do was drag an audio to midi, to have the conversion done. Guess I'm gonna be reading up on V-Vocal, AudioSnap and the DrumReplacer.
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