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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. Try using the keyswitches G2 to C3, and see if string forcing works.
  2. It just tries to play without moving your hand up and down the fretboard. If you want to force it to play a specific note on a specific string/fret, you must force string selection by playing the correct articulation keyswitch with the note. Using Cakewalks numbering, to force string x play note y with the note: 1 G2 2 G#2 3 A2 4 A#2 5 B2 6 C3 The VST will select the correct fret. Not sure if available on free version. Probably not. I suspect @abacab is clicking on the fretboard, as opposed to the keyboard.
  3. Nigel Mackay


    Edit -> Preferences.
  4. They were Sonar plugins. Uninstall Cakewalk. Install Sonar. If you can, install only the plugins you want. Use default folders. Re-install Cakewalk. It will now find the missing files.
  5. Think maybe you just missed a "grab and drag" spot while expanded. Give it another go. Schlepp having to collapse and expand.
  6. A huge percentage of VSTs have the lowest note possible as C-2. Cakewalk calls that note C0. That is 2 less than the VSTs. So if the video says C1 you must add 2, which means use C3 ob the piano roll.
  7. Otherwise, just install again, and keep an eye out for what it says about the location.
  8. @henkejs Would you like to look at @Promidi's script and have a go yourself?
  9. In the Tutorials section have a look at especially Creative Sauce and Xel Ohh videos. They are both very good at saying what is great about Cakewalk.
  10. Try using English site. With Early Access, alternative languages are only done later.
  11. It was mentioned in a post that you are correct. Apart from those 2 differences they are exactly the same.
  12. Look at the post below yours What are Articulation Maps and How to use them
  13. If necessary, there is a Tutorials section in the forum. Go there, look for tutorials about: What is a VST, aka plug-in. How to install them. How to Scan for VSTs. How to add them to the track pane. How to open the GUI of the plug-in. Watch lots of them until you catch on. Some people click with one explanation, others with another. Keep going until you say "Eureka"
  14. It has its own drum kits. A horrible website. Horrible. Thanks for the link. From what I can see it is a VST. Self-contained. You don't use a drum VST. You add it as an instrument. Open up the GUI by clicking on the track icon. Once open, you select your beats/grooves/patterns whatever. Then you select the drum kit. Open up an instance of the VST first, so you can compare. Click on the link you supplied. Scroll down until you see Watch The Unison MIDI Drum Blueprint In Action: Click on the Play arrow. Watch and try to learn. You will run out of time. The video will keep disappearing, so you will have to click on the link again, scroll down to the video, press Play again. Etc etc etc. It should be against the law to make web pages like that. But the main point is that it doesn't use drum VSTs. It does everything itself. Open it up, choose patterns, choose drums. Create a melody or bass track. Press Play - you will have drums behind your melody, bass, whatever. I think it will take a bit of practice to achieve what you want, but stick at it. You do not add the MIDI tracks as you have tried to do.
  15. Put an @ in front of the username and they will be flagged that you have mentioned them. Type @ and start typing m s m c l and a window will pop open with that person in the list, and you can select them. Eg, I type (without spaces) @ E m a n and I get a list of three names. I click on yours and get @Emanuel Vella If you look at the bell icon at the top right of the page you will see a little 1 on it. Click on the bell and you get taken to this post. Useful.
  16. The problem is matching which note Unison use for kick and which your drum instrument uses. This is not a trivial thing to solve. It will take learning you to use the Piano Roll View, you will have to learn how to create a Drum Map that maps the notes differently. I can't even find drum packs on their site to see what they say about it. It all seems to be chords.
  17. I haven't used Battery, but a quick look on YT makes me think the FX is all or nothing. So have to do it the bounce way or multiple instances of Battery.
  18. Depending on your version of Battery, it does have built in audio FX. But to directly answer your question, no.
  19. And there they are, in full view: TTS-1 S_Bass Guitar SI-Drum Kit SI-Electric Piano SI-String Section
  20. TTS-1 has 4 audio outputs, and any of the 16 tracks can be routed to any of the 4 outputs.
  21. If you bounce a track it gets the name Bass(1). Edit a bit and bounce again. It is Bass(2). Edit a bit and bounce, it is Bass(3). Now you can choose which one you want, externally or internally. The unused bounces are what is deleted when you clean up audio files. And if you are using MIDI + Synth it is perfectly normal to bounce to get an audio track to work with. Especially if you have a high load on your CPU.
  22. Uninstall Cakewalk. Install Sonar. Install Cakewalk. Accept default folders in all cases. CbB will see all the Sonar plugins. As for sounding different in Cakewalk, Windows may very well use an app for playback the has settings that is messing with the sound.
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