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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. I am well aware of that. I am also well aware that the only VST that I could make work with MIDI out is Kontakt. Which means that you can't do what you want to do. So i offered an alternative, the alternative being to hide all the linked clips - out of sight, out of mind.
  2. Just add an audio track and place copies of that file wherever you want them. Use File Import Audio to get the 1st copy in, then copy and paste.
  3. You can't. If you could they would be there already. Have a look at VST4Free for free instruments. Also at this thread. This thread is for free FX.
  4. To save frustration you could use linked clips, put all the "extra" tracks in a track folder and hide the folder.
  5. Just saw a comment in the documentation. If I record I can get it to work with Kontakt. But you have to have an instrument inserted in Kontakt for each channel you want to use. Try recording.
  6. Can't get it to work either. Tried using Kontakt. Also no joy.
  7. No. Read what it says - it must have coupled MIDI-audio tracks. Not using the Hypersonic audio means not routing the audio anywhere. Or taking the output fader right down.
  8. Insert the Hypersonic as a Simple Instrument. Enable MIDI Out. Paste the MIDI data into it's track. (You don't have to use the audio output of the Hypersonic. ) Do not route the MIDI back to the Hypersonic, that could cause feedback.
  9. You are correct, the XG plugin does not have MIDI out. Relying on MIDI out limits you to which synths you can use. If you don't want liked clips then LoopBe is the only other solution. And it is a very small piece of software. Really small.
  10. Could be there is something in the MIDI track that changes the settings you have chosen in the VSTi. Open Inspector for the MIDI track and see id there is a selection in B (Bank) or P (Patch.) For what you want they should be None. Also open Event List for the MIDI track, see if there is a Patch event. Maybe do some screenshots of Inspector, the track pane?
  11. Some VSTis have MIDI out. Lots don't . If you insert a VSTi, open the VST GUI, and click on the dropdown VST2/VST3 it shows whether or not Midi out can be enabled. If it can, and you enable it, it will be listed as an available input on a MIDI track.
  12. Insert the TTS-1. Insert a MIDI track. Route the MIDI to the TTS-1. In the Inspector for the MIDI set the Channel (C) to10, Bank (B) to Preset Rhythm, the Patch (P) to Brush set. Open Piano Roll View on the MIDI track. It will display the TTS1-1 drum map. You will see Brush Tap, Brush Slap, Brush Swirl, etc.
  13. Yes, you just need to add tracks. BTW This section of the forum is for tutorials. Questions go in Q & A.
  14. Nigel Mackay

    Mix Bus

    It is just convenient. Have a look at this for ideas.
  15. Use TH2 if you want the TH2 presets. TH3 if you want TH2 presets. Presumably TH1 for TH1 presets. The presets seem to be in the dll. Should by default be in Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins\THxx.....dll
  16. Not all VSTs can be automated. Look at top-right corner of VST GUI - The R and W are for Read and Write automation. This one can be automated. This one can't. Also, sometimes you need to make the VST write some automation before it becomes available in the list.
  17. Check for Volume changes in the automation lane. Have a look at the Events List.
  18. Output routing on the TTS-1? Any other synth work? Insert the SI Bass Guitar. Open the GUI and click on the strings. You should hear the notes sounding. If not, screenshot of Preferences -> Audio -> Devices.
  19. That making a sound on release sounds weird to me. There is another method, but a bit of a schlepp. In Kontakt, select the instrument you want to modify. Click on the spanner to left of the instrument GUI. Just below the GUI is a button Mapping Editor. Click on it. You get a visual method of adjusting the minimum and maximum response velocity for each note in the instruments playable range. Just above the display, under the button List View, is K. Range. This is keyboard range. If you hover the mouse over the righthand note name there is an updown control. Use this to extend the selected notes on the display. They go from cyan to yellow. Use the mouse to drag the bottom and top edges up and down. The velocity values are shown next to the keyboard range. This will work for any instrument in Kontakt.
  20. Kontakt 6. Many synths in the Kontakt instance. Each with a MIDI and an instrument track. If I solo a MIDI track, all the instrument tracks solo. If I solo an instrument track all the MIDI tracks solo. This is very inconvenient.
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