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Larry Graham Alexander

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Everything posted by Larry Graham Alexander

  1. This is the synthesizer version of my "Doodlebug". Larry Graham Alexander
  2. My "Clarinet Study Number Two" for solo clarinet, harpsichord and small orchestra. Larry Graham Alexander
  3. Have a listen to my "No Name Bossa Nova" if you wish. Larry Graham Alexander
  4. This is one of my Latin works, "Jazzanova". Regards, Larry Graham Alexander
  5. The flute is from the Garritan Personal Orchestra sample library. Thanks for your input, Mister Max. Larry Graham Alexander
  6. I have musical themes, counter melodies, counterpoint and other things like these running constantly through my mind. It's enough to drive me crazier. ? I received formal training in composition, music theory, counterpoint, harmony and finger-painting years ago when dinosaurs were roaming the land. I still can't get all of this paint off of my fingers. ? Thanks for your nice comments, Mister Gary. Best Regards, Larry Graham Alexander
  7. Here's my "Capriccio In D" for solo violin with piano accompaniment. http://www.alexandermusic.com/resources/CapriccioInDEWQL.mp3 Regards to everyone. Larry Graham Alexander
  8. Solo flute with harpsichord and small chamber orchestra fans: ? Here's my "Juicy Flute" for solo flute with harpsichord and small chamber orchestra. ? http://www.alexandermusic.com/resources/JuicyFlute.mp3 Larry Graham Alexander
  9. Presenting one of my many works for very large pipe organ, "Organ Number 43" with large orchestra and chorus. http://www.alexandermusic.com/resources/Organ43.mp3 Larry Graham Alexander
  10. Y'all, This is my "Summit", featuring the Steinway model D piano with large orchestra. Larry Graham Alexander
  11. Thanks for listening, Mister Gary. Best, Larry Graham Alexander
  12. I appreciate the good words. Thanks very much. Larry Graham Alexander
  13. I am pleased that you like it, Mister Pete. Thank you. Larry Graham Alexander
  14. You have good taste in music. ☺️ ? Thank you. Larry Graham Alexander
  15. Y'all, This is a combination of two large, chromatic concert harps, harpsichord and small orchestra with drums. It's my "Heavy Harps". Larry Graham Alexander
  16. I am an old Dude. I'm not familiar with Jethro-Tull works. Thanks for replying. Larry Graham Alexander
  17. Presenting my "Exercise In D Minor" for solo violin with harpsichord accompaniment. The violin is from an EWQL sample library and the harpsichord is from one of the first Garritan sample libraries. Larry Graham Alexander
  18. As I mentioned on another reply to a message from you, I entered each note with my mouse into the Sonar staff view, tweaked everything and produced it. Thanks for your input. Larry Graham Alexander
  19. Thanks for having a listen, Mister Doug. (I am not a guitarist. I entered each note with my handy-dandy mouse.) ☺️ Larry Graham Alexander
  20. Here is one of my pieces for two guitarists and no one else. This is "Pickin' Buddies". Larry Graham Alexander
  21. Pickers, Here's my "Guitar Duo Number Eleven" for two guitars and small orchestra. Larry Graham Alexander
  22. All, This is my "Liebekinder" (Love Child). I composed it for piano and small orchestra. It is a bit syrupy. Larry Graham Alexander
  23. Thanks for the good words. I appreciate them. Best, Larry Graham Alexander
  24. You are soitenly velcome, Mister Kenny. Thanks for your message. Best, Larry Graham Alexander
  25. I think you could. Several people have played it. Thanks for your input. Larry Graham Alexander
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