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Larry Graham Alexander

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Everything posted by Larry Graham Alexander

  1. Yes, I am familiar with Whitaker. I worked in radio broadcasting with America's most famous whistler, Fred Lowery. He was a close friend. His recording of him whistling the theme from the movie "The High And The Mighty" was a big seller here in the states and internationally too. I can't remember the name of this sampled whistling library that I used. You might Google "Sampled Whistling Library" or something like that. Thanks for your comments. Larry Graham Alexander
  2. Thank you, Bro David. Larry Graham Alexander
  3. I utilized my sample library of notes, whistled by a human, for this composition which I call "Pucker Up". I can't remember the source for the guitar. The accompanying orchestra is from the East/West Gold sample library. Larry Graham Alexander
  4. I am muchly obliged to you. Larry Graham Alexander
  5. There is a whole lot of counterpoint in my all-synth "Round Robin"! (I forgot to include the drums in the mixdown.) Larry Graham Alexander
  6. I thank you for listening and commenting. Larry Graham Alexander
  7. Let me put it this way, Mister Gary: I am certainly NOT making a lot of money with my music. Just a little bit...as a matter of fact. ? ? Thanks for listening to "Colonel...". Larry Graham Alexander
  8. Get Down, Y'all. Presenting "Groooove!" by some old Dude named Larry Graham Alexander. He is so old that he shouldn't be allowed to write music of this type. He should only be permitted to sit in a rocking chair and drool like other old people. ?
  9. I attempted to bring back some of the sights and sounds of the private detective TV shows that once dominated the scene with my composition "Loopy". Larry Graham Alexander
  10. ...Another of my BIG BAND thangs. This is "Fireworks" and it is LOUD! Larry Graham Alexander
  11. Dudes and Dudettes, This is my "The Colonel Moogy March". The 'Moogy' in the title is in reference to the famous Moog synthesizer that was created years ago. This work of mine is a combination of synthesizers and standard instruments. Larry Graham Alexander
  12. You live in a beautiful country, Mister Gary. Thanks for listening. Larry Graham Alexander
  13. This is my "Big Band Funk". I suppose 'funk-type' music is no longer popular but here's an example of some that I wrote years ago My best regards to all. Larry Graham Alexander
  14. Elmer Fudd himself may have said... I'm gwad that you wiked it. Larry Graham Alexander
  15. Ohhhhh. THAT Rowlf. ? Thanks. Larry Graham Alexander
  16. Thanks very much. Regards, Larry Graham Alexander
  17. Glad that you took a likeing to it. Many thanks. Larry Graham Alexander
  18. Unfortunately, I was born without a face. Fortunately, I enjoyed a thirty-year career in radio broadcasting. Larry Graham Alexander
  19. Mister Steve, Thank you, Young Chap for all of the information. My best regards to you. Larry Graham Alexander
  20. I don't know what "Rowlf" is. (?) Larry Graham Alexander
  21. Thanks for listening to my music efforts, Mister Gary. I appreciate you. Best, Larry Graham Alexander
  22. Y'all, I have been trying to enter my photo in my profile dang-near forever and have had no success. I would certainly appreciate it if someone could furnish me with step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Thanks very much in advance. Larry Graham Alexander
  23. Thank you, Mister Gary. I appreciate your kind words. Best Regards, Larry Graham Alexander
  24. I regret that my publisher won't allow me to do that. (It's in her contract with me.) I'm sorry 'bout that. Thank you for understanding. Larry Graham Alexander
  25. A little bit of ragtime music now via my "HarpsiRag" as played on the harpsichord. Larry Graham Alexander
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