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Larry Graham Alexander

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Everything posted by Larry Graham Alexander

  1. This is my "Memorex". Is it live or is it Memorex? Larry Graham Alexander
  2. This is my aggressive, all-brass nonette "Brassilia". (three trumpets, three 'bones, two Fr. horns and one tuba.) Larry Graham Alexander
  3. Nooooo! Think about your neighbors complaining about you practicing clarinet at midnight! ? ? (Thanks for listening.) Larry Graham Alexander
  4. Oboe is one of my favorite instruments also. Thanks for your input, Mister Gary. Best Regards, Larry Graham Alexander
  5. Here's an excerpt from the first movement of my "Woodwind Quartet In B". Instrumentation: One each flute, Bb clarinet, oboe and bassoon with piano accompaniment. Larry Graham Alexander
  6. A little 3/4 music now. This is my "Duet For Clarinet And Guitar" with small orchestra. Larry Graham Alexander
  7. This is a brief, up-tempo, insane thing that I wrote just for the fun of it. It's my "Waiter, There's A Flye In My Souppe". (Misspellings are intentional.) It has absolutely no redeeming qualities at all. I should be tarred and feathered for composing it. Please don't have me arrested! Larry Graham Alexander
  8. I have no idea what your message means. You have totally misunderstood me. What I said in my message above is the absolute truth. I am a composer of original music AND arranger, that is I write arrangements of music that I originally did not compose. These two are related but they are still different in concept and in action. You can COMPOSE original music and you can also ARRANGE other people's music. These facts have been around as long as music has been in existence. Larry Graham Alexander
  9. It WAS pretty rough on my mouse hand. I don't know your Dude name so I will just say...thanks very much. Larry Graham Alexander
  10. Good mornin' to you, Mister Doug and thanks for havin' a listen to my pickin'. Larry Graham Alexander
  11. Space Fans. Here is my "March Of The Tribbles". Do you remember what Tribbles are? ("Beam me up, Scotty.") Larry Graham Alexander
  12. Nothin' but Country. It's my "Good Dog, Old Blue", featuring banjo, guitar and mandolin with some good ol' boys providing accompaniment. Larry Graham Alexander
  13. Here is my "Country Capers" with fiddle and mandolin as lead instruments plus some "side men". Larry Graham Alexander
  14. Here is one of my many 'pickin' chunes, "Doodletown Pickers". Larry Graham Alexander
  15. I converted the "Bach Prelude Number Six" to all-synthesizer instruments. I utilized all of these synth samples from the SonicSynth2 company. It was a helluva time-consuming project but it was pleasureful to do it. (I entered each individual note with my mouse.) ? I hope that you like it. Best, Larry Graham Alexander
  16. This is the all-synthesizer version of my "Snickerdoodle". Larry Graham Alexander
  17. Y'll All, Have a listen to my all-synth "Electronica Maximus" if you have nothing else to do at the moment. The synthesizer sampled instruments are from SonicSynth2. Best regards to everyone. Larry Graham Alexander
  18. A chick in the bush is not bad if there's no poison ivy around. Larry Graham Alexander
  19. This is my hard-drivin' "Widget". It's standard instruments with synthesizers. Larry Graham Alexander
  20. Y'all, Here is my classical, all-synth "Invention Number Sixteen". 'alf a mo. The drums are sampled...not synths. Larry Graham Alexander
  21. I wrote "New Age" a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, when I was actually young. Larry Graham Alexander
  22. I personally would prefer to listen to it with a chick while not walking through a forest...know what I'm sayin'? But, I am weird like that. ? Thanks for the good words, Mister Doug. Larry Graham Alexander
  23. It's not an arrangement. It is an original composition. An arrangement means utilizing someone else's music creation and putting a different slant on it, including writing variations on their melodies, rhythms, key signature, etc. If you write an arrangement of a person's tune you must first seek his or her permission. Regards, Larry Graham Alexander
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