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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. That would be my advice to everyone, always, render first. Saves me a lot of frustration. You don't have to save the project that way. Once mixed down and exported, just close the project without saving.
  2. The Twins. Yin and Yang. Janus, the two-faced god. Uses one hand to shake yours while stabbing you in the back with the other. Manic depressive AI. Bi-polar brainiac.
  3. Wasn't .5 an update to 8, so you would need 8 to get the update. Therefore, the OP must have 8? If so, you may be able to download the .5 if you ever registered your SONAR 8 and know what your email was 20 years ago.
  4. Read on FB that David Gilmour turned 79 yesterday. Man, I'm getting old.
  5. Next question: Aren't all Neil Young songs from last century? Answer: Most.
  6. So, you haven't. 😁 It's a Neil Young song from last century.
  7. How many of you have recorded a version of Cinnamon Girl? 🙋‍♂️
  8. Here's what I have for the Yamaha SY 77. It seems pretty short compared to other IDs I've seen. SY77.txt
  9. Try it with the POD plugged in /Focusrite unplugged before you turn on the computer.
  10. If you import the song into a track in the same project and output it to the same output you rendered the mp3 from, how loud is it?
  11. Looks like Kilroy.
  12. Is he VST or DX? 😁 Good luck!
  13. Okay, so I connected a Dean Markley Promag Grand Humbucking acoustic guitar pick-up and Proline dynamic microphone to my interface and proceeded to record for over 23 minutes, playing and singing, on a severely underpowered computer. Anti-virus on, internet connected, but all power management off. No glitches, no cut-offs, no problems. I suppose the difference is that I was recording into a Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 audio interface. If you really justwanttomakemusicplease, no matter what DAW program you choose, an interface designed for recording will reduce a lot of stress and headaches. Seriously. Good luck!
  14. I must admit I've never tried to record more than 3-6 minutes, so I can't say how my computer would handle that. Notice I wrote "computer" and not "application". Just a feeling, but I would bet that it has nothing to do with Cakewalk. How are you recording your phone mic into CbB? Do you have any power options set, like sleep or hibernate, or screen saver? Have you tried it with your internet disabled and no virus scanning happening?
  15. I think I've seen every recipe for apple pie that there is in my news feeds since I searched for a link to "Mom's Apple Pie" for the Song Association fred. Wrong kind of apple pie.
  16. Welcome to the forum. Ensure that all the devices and Cakewalk by Bandlab are using the same sampling rate and bit depth. You probably need to use WASAPI Shared Driver mode. Speaking of which, can you post some pics of your Preferences? And the tracks's Track Panes to indicate what the ins and outs are? Plus, if you want to make music and not become aggravated every time you try to blend different devices and sources and mics and driver modes, you probably need to look into getting an audio interface to plug your real recording microphone into. Good luck!
  17. Mom's Apple Pie (let's see if I can get this link in here) https://youtu.be/GvurBRFWh3k?si=-c4o8Fo_yD-wAFpT
  18. When I was 14, living in Frankfurt, the only place close by to buy strings was a little cubby hole of a shop near the PX. The only brand and type of strings they carried were Black Diamond flat wounds. I didn't know there were other kinds of string until I was stateside a few years later.
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