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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Cement Mixer (Put-ti Put-ti) - Slim Gaillard or Alvino Rey - take your pick. When I was a tot, my father would get out the ukulele, open song books, and sing these old corny songs. He especially liked to amuse us with songs with silly lyrics like Put-ti Put-ti, Mairzy Doats, and others. We would always giggle at them. I grew up, the songs are still corny, but there is a warm spot in my heart for them.
  2. I don't care what the instrumentation is, as long as I like the song and how it's performed. If it sounds good to me, I like it, if it doesn't, it's played for someone else's ears. It's all good as long as it has an audience. Insights and incites by Notes ♫
  3. Do they ride in the trunk? (I thought Craig would have beat me to this one) :D
  4. Guatemala Connection - Hubert Laws Some 1970s funk/jazz
  5. Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door - Bob Dylan
  6. That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore - The Smiths
  7. Being that he was 12 inches long, he became a Frank-footer. He couldn't have done that if he was a teeny weenie bit shorter.
  8. worms = bait lyrics: Many fish bites if you got good bait Here's a little tip that I would like to relate Many fish bites if you got good bait I'm a going fishing, yes I'm going fishing Fishin' Blues -Taj Mahal
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