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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Cuban Fire - Stan Kenton Orchestra IMO one of Kenton's best albums - Latin Jazz Heaven
  2. We play Wooly Bully. It's not a great song but it has two things going for it (1) our audience loves it (2) our arrangement has an extended sax solo (I'm a solo hog). About 10 years ago when we learned it, we played it at a gig, an elderly female dancer fell down and broke her leg (Wooly Bully abuse?). 3 gigs out of the next 5 had another female fall (no more broken bones though). We almost got to the point where we wanted to hire an exorcist for that song, but fortunately it quit after 3 falls. Now I just abuse it by playing wild and crazy sax solos. Notes
  3. To each their own. I like the becan fatty and fried crisp.
  4. I like Cakewalk too, but my familiarity with MTPro keeps me going back there. I get work done with more time on my musical instruments and less time with my hands on the computer. Since my musical ideas come much faster than I can type, I tend to go to the familiar. I had Cakewalk 8 at one time and an early Cubase. I thought Cakwalk was OK but the Cubase interface needed a lot of work. I'm sure it's been improved because that was probably in Win 95. I was in a 5 piece band with the woman who is now my wife, and we had personnel problems, first a bass player quit then a drummer, and the new drummer didn't want to play in bars. Leilani and I decided to go out as a duo. At first I was recording the backing tracks on a Teac 4 track reel-to-reel, then a Yamaha Keyboard with a primitive sequencer, and then the Atari. It's been a long trip up to now, and I'm sure there are new discoveries further on up the road. Notes
  5. The Delta Meets Detroit: Aretha's Blues Album - Aretha Franklin Leilani (my wife) found this CD and bought it for me. It's high on my current play-list. Let it play after the first cut to hear the entire album.
  6. I liked British breakfasts when I was vacationing there, and their becan was good, but I like USA becan even better. Same for the Canadian becan. Both UK and Canada becan resemble ham a lot, and that's not a bad thing, it's just not the same thing. (my favorite even though they don't spell becan right).
  7. Interesting, but how did the cheerleaders stay so motionless with all that music happening? Up and Down the Boulevard - Journey
  8. OK a note of seriousness here in the middle of all this delightful seriousness. If you ever get to Montreal on a Sunday, do go to mass at the Notre Dame Cathedral whether you are Catholic or not. And go for the mass that features the organ and full choir. I'm not really religious and I seek out music in churches all over the world, no matter what the faith is, and the choir at Notre Dame is probably the finest I've ever heard. In second place was a choir in Vienna. Also McGill University has a great student symphony orchestra. It has always been my opinion that for some pieces, a youthful orchestra is better than a seasoned professional one because some symphonies require the youthful passion and energy, and the McGill students have that plus great technique. Now you may return to this forum's trademark silliness. Notes
  9. I started my MIDI adventure on the Atari. I asked a friend who recommended it. He had one and loved it. It was easier than DOS and not as expensive as a Mac. I got the first release of Master Tracks Pro and went for it. I still use MTPro/Windows when I want to do nothing but MIDI because without audio functions, the menu system is efficient (everything one click, no sub-menus and sub-sub-menus to get to the proper dialog box). I've used MTPro to make backing tracks for my duo http://www.s-cats.com since the late 1980s. I took music theory and arranging in school, plus I play drums, bass, sax, flute, guitar, keys, and wind synthesizer so it was a way to try things out without hiring a band. I also wrote my first Band-in-a-Box user styles on Atari. After giving them to some friends who told me they liked them better than the styles that came with BiaB, so I put an ad in Electronics Musician Magazine. In a few months I was selling. Then Peter Gannon (of PG Music/Band-in-a-Box creator) called them and offered to convert them to IBM format (what we called Windows back then). I eventually but a PC (DOS-5/Win3.1), a Mac (classic II) and I'm still writing styles for Band-in-a-Box today. The Atari was a nice computer in it's day. I wanted an Amiga but at the time I had too much on my plate. In retrospect it's a good thing I didn't buy one as the soon became as obsolete as the Atari. Notes
  10. Every year a large number of French Canadians come to the 600 spot RV Resort where we play twice a month. They are great to play for, they seem to love life more than we US people do. They dance all night, laugh a lot, and are very warm giving us multiple hugs and kisses on both cheeks. Some of them have invited us to stay in their homes if we get to Montreal. I've been to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec, Ontario and Yukon the Canadians have always treated me like a welcome guest. We play Steepenwolf and BTO to the Canadians, and they hit the dance floor enthusiastically for some of those songs, especially "Taking Care Of Business." Notes
  11. Over, Under, Sideways, Down - The Yardbirds Jeff Beck is one of my very favorite rock/jazz-fusion guitar players.
  12. I don't recommend a ban on the word "love". "Your Song" - Elton John (Which is actually a love song)
  13. Don't be killin' no innocent fishes, at least that's what I wishes It ain't fair they gasp in the air and then end up on dishes
  14. It's time for me to lighten up and pass around a few silly smiles.
  15. I have no idea what you just said, but it sounds pretty good in rhythm and articulation :D
  16. I do a full Acronis image once a week (more if I've done something really important), and backup my data every day. There are only two kinds of computer users: Those who have had a hard drive crash Those who haven't had a hard drive crash - YET My first HD was 40M for an Atari/ST and not only was it huge, you could hear it winding up to full spin speed. Yes I'm also dating myself. I've gotten past lying about my age to the point where I brag about it :D Notes
  17. Thanks! Quite a few didn't make it this far ?
  18. Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson Tomorrow is "Old Rock Day" so I dug back to the 1950s for this one:
  19. Definition: Canadians: people who live in the attic of an insane asylum - - - - - - - - - I've enjoyed every trip I've made to Canada, and found the people to be extremely polite and friendly. Even if they to talk funny ;) Notes
  20. The Lyre Of Orpheus - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
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