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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. "Black And Tan Fantasie" - Duke Ellington Orchestra aka Fantasy
  2. But since the above was not an association, how about Brother Louie from The Stories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmF3jDwSTmI well that one wouldn't embed so I'll try this one:
  3. I remember opening for the Kingsmen in concert. Nice guys, but Jack Ely was no longer with them. Before that we were touring the country, and each different area and different versions of the "dirty words" that Jack mumbled in the verses. So backstage I asked them about the 'dirty words'. They said, there were no dirty words in the song, the mic was positioned too high for Jack, and he simply mumbled Richard Berry's words. They were aware of the 'dirty works' rumors that circulated around the country, and their manager told them to neither confirm or deny them, as the mystery was good for record sales. So in honor of record sales, here are the real words from the original singer.
  4. Everybody is supposed to have a hand washing song that lasts 20 seconds. For me it's "Soap And The Water" - 2 complete guitar figures, 6 bars of the "Soap And The Water" chorus and rinse. ?
  5. "Walk Away" - James Gang Joe Walsh and company made some good rock and roll
  6. Since Mr. Cooper jumped out of an airplane with a parachute, it makes me think of: Free Fallin' - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
  7. When writing or performing music, if you want an audience, you must respect the tastes and sophistication of your audience. Early in my career I was given this mantra: You can play for yourself, you can play for other musicians, our you can play for the general public. If you are good enough, you will get the audience you asked for.
  8. pwalplwal's post reminded me of a band called Bloodwyn Pig My brother-in-law had this LP - pretty good stuff
  9. Since one of the first "plague" signs is "Fever" I thought I'd listen to the original and the one who changed it forever. "Fever" - Little Willie John the original "Fever" - Peggy Lee the session that changed it forever. I read that session guitarist, Al Caiola got session pay for snapping his fingers and never picking up his guitar because he thought anything he could add would make the song worse.
  10. I figured Politifact was a good source of who's lying and not since they treat the left wing and right wing equally. Oh yes, and I do take everything with a grain of salt. So tell me, what do you watch/listen to for better information? If I'm wrong, I need to know what is better. Notes
  11. True. But if you are going to endorse a label, be true to that label. It's about respecting the people who will come to your gig with expectations. Notes
  12. If you get too far from 1, 4, 5, m6 you drift away from the blues. Jazz guys do that a lot, but it isn't blues anymore. When a blues artist tries to stay blues and starts putting in M7, 6, #9#11, etc, chords and plays bob scales, it bugs me. If he does it in the jazz genre, it delights me. It's about being creative with that limited palette. Insights and incites by Notes
  13. The USA and S.Korea got their first case the very same day. The US denied it for 6 weeks (it's just a flu/hoax/etc.) while the politicians secretly dumped their stocks. S.Korea immediately isolated. Now we are the epicenter of the virus. It's late, but not too late. Stay home. Some governors look out for the welfare of their constituents, others look out only for themselves and the people who bought them with huge campaign contributions. Notes
  14. I don't believe anything that is to the left of The Atlantic or right of The Hill on the chart below. The rest I consider politically motivated propaganda.
  15. I'm Coming Home - Tom Jones triple word score
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