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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Where did I go? Wherever I am, I'm here. Even if I go there, when I get there, I'm here. It's so confusing.
  2. When a strip club isn't open, there should be a sign that reads: “Sorry, We're Clothed!”
  3. This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race — Fall Out Boy
  4. A man rushed into the doctor's office and shouted, “Doctor! I think I'm shrinking!” The doctor calmly responded, “Now, settle down. You'll just have to be a little patient.”
  5. double post - self-deleted
  6. Somebody was getting too artsy fartsy with the logo ...
  7. I find creativity comes best when I'm not trying, but just messing around, or playing. It comes when there are no words in my head. But then, I don't try to write lyrics, I've never been good at that.
  8. You got the brunt of it. I'm glad you made it OK. We have the old-fashioned drop down storm awnings. In the summer, they shade the windows to keep the house cooler. When a storm comes, they take about 5 minutes each to drop, max, if you are being careful not to scratch anything. When I was a child, in my parent's house, we were riding out the storm on a CBS house (concrete block & steel) and a huge limb of a mango tree crashed into one of those awnings. It was so big it too me and my father to move it away from the house so we could cut it up. The damage to the awning was a couple of light scratches. Over here in Ft. Pierce there were numerous tornadoes. Usually with a 'cane, we get EF0 or EF1 max twisters. We had a confirmed EF3 that went through 3 counties tearing up roofs, smashing mobile homes, and cutting a swath through a solar farm. Quite unusual, and hopefully not a sign of things to come. I think the only other storm with more than a light EF1 was Andrew. For those curious about the awnings. Before the storm, after the storm (and before we hosed the dirt off them).
  9. I'm in FLA again BTW, I think the requirements for that job are pretty stiff.
  10. Sorry to see that much damage Variorum. What area are you in? I hope your recovery goes well. The longest we were out of power was during Frances, Jeanne, and Ivan, in 2004. 10 days each. But we are on high ground so flooding concerns are low.
  11. Cows lie down in the rain to keep each udder dry.
  12. How does one apply for this job?
  13. Pipeline — Chantays PS. Cleaned up the mess, everything is semi-normal, so I'm spending time helping those who weren't as lucky in the hurricane.
  14. We got lucky. Tree limbs, branches, and palm fronds down. Landline and Interned down, cell phone practically worthless. Lost this week's gigs. A lot of people lost a lot more. We got lucky.
  15. Don't - Elvis Presley Just got my Internet back and there is a big post-hurricane cleanup to finish, so no time to fish out a video.
  16. What did she play? In Middle School, I was on the basketball team and in the band. The band was going to play at a basketball game, and I had to make the choice. I chose the band. It was the right choice for me.
  17. Awnings down, storm panels up, ice made in the freezer, water for flushing, gas for the generator, gutters cleaned, loose outdoor objects stowed, it's raining, and the wind is blowing - big time. So far, so good. We haven't lost power or Internet yet, but it won't peak until about dawn. We're hoping our luck holds out.
  18. Dreeamboat Annie — Heart (because a ship is a big boat)
  19. It's extreme. And now that it's passing the Yucatan, it's starting to build. They just issued hurricane warnings for my area. I don't think we'll get the worst of it, but I just dropped down all but two of the storm awnings. I'll get them in the morning, the skeeters are-a swarming right now. There is a good chance I'll lose electricity and phone. I have gas for the generator but if both the landline and cell goes out, I'll be out of communication. I've been through this drill before, and hope this one works out as well as all the others for us.
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