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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I think you were correct in your first assessment, I'd have to check the serials, but I'm pretty sure the new one is NFR.
  2. Is it? Seems odd they don't have a website up, so you would have to actually install bandlab assistant on the "on-line" computer to get the offline one to work.
  3. Since the Cakewalk app itself no longer relies on BA for updates, I no longer see the point as well.
  4. Not set in stone but those are screen shots I took from the beta. So I'd expect we might see something like this in the next release. Similar idea in the TurboCompLE as well.
  5. No guarantees with what the release version will look like, but the current beta has new UI for this, which I'd image some would find to be an improvement over the non-descript current version: Of course I think the color of the knobs on the SSLs should correspond with the real world coutnerparts, but I'd say the idea is moving in the right direciton.
  6. Way better deal than the thread title indicates. ?
  7. Correct, but that doesn't actually cause any errors.
  8. I had error when I was using my file name 01, but I've tried this 04 file on two computers after the 04 upgrade without any error thus far. I'd try switching to a different theme and them back to this one and see if the problem goes away. I can confirm it works as this icon wasn't even a part of 01 AFUI 1.5 - BW Pro_2021-04.sth
  9. This will depend dramatically on your physical makup, how you use or abuse them. I've seen tons of them break in a work environment. Waranty is reasonable if you are close to an authorized repair facility, and if they actually respond to you (not all stories on this front are rainbows and unicorns) but the stated warranty itself is better than industry average. Chairs are not cheap to ship. Has to be new from an authorized dealer though, they won't help with a 2nd hand purchase or new from a non-authorized dealer.
  10. Chair is a legendary classic and a pioneer of design, but there are plenty of other high quality ergonomic chairs on the market at this point.
  11. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/23625-almost-flat-ui-theme/&do=findComment&comment=233537
  12. This seems to state May 11th https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=25thT-RackSSinglesKrazyDeal
  13. Deal is up on IK....so with Jam Points can bring a deck down to $17. Grabbed 24 even though it is a CPU hog...it does sound good.
  14. I'll admit it is a little odd with the inconsistancy in the menu - synth doesnt' have the arrow but rewire does. Certainly try a re-install or wait for the final release for .04. But I'm personally thrilled with the new menu look. A vast improvement.
  15. The arrow isn't there but if you click on Soft Synths it should show the menu as in my screen shot.
  16. That is what my screen shot is showing. That is the view. it hovers out and doesnt' look "connected" but that is it
  17. I got it about a month after that....so same idea here.
  18. Wonder how PA will deal with the upgrade path (assuming they offer the product). Straight from GP website those that bought it since March 1st get the upgrade for free. But says if you bought from PA, then to see PA for upgrade info.
  19. I use Decent Sampler and also have MSoundfactoryLE....I'm curious which of the formats offered work with MSF?
  20. Vey good point about gain staging this one on input (as well as output). I can run the input gain at -20 and that can broaden the lower gain range for sure. If the plugin will maintain the output you need is a bit of a different question and one might have to run another plugin as a clean output boost (depending on various factors). But that is an excellent point.
  21. Updated my modification of this for 2021-04 compatibility. This has turned into my most used theme. AFUI 1.5 - BW Pro_2021-04.sth
  22. Train II has way too much gain on tap. It would be a better plugin/simulation if they had a broader range in the lower gain territory, but otherwise it really is one of the best I've used. For perspective, I've played each actual Trainwreck model...though I havne't used a Fuchs Train, my experience is only with the real thing that inspired what Fuchs made. ODS I think is great for clean sounds (though on some settings some artifical fizz can get really annoying). I've never been a big fan of ODS "gain" including real Dumbles I've played (not just Fuchs knock offs). That said, I think the ODS pluign is actually surprisingly close to that tone and eq controls. I just don't love that part of the sound, but as emulations go...well I think it stacks up quite well as long as you can tame the fizz depending on the settings you use. Overall tone and response of them were "next level" from what I'd experienced in the plugin realm.
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