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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Yep a few times, with that massive download package. I basically gave up on it. I was perplexed when v12 Berzerk distortion stopped working (and I have mroe than one seat for it). Works on one computer but the other one with multiple installs/uninstalls still doesn't work. v9 hasnt' worked in years on any machine.
  2. Fully agree they should....but they don't. But since I don't have support, my options are uninstall and re-install and that doesn't fix the issues. And I have the problem with more than one computer.
  3. I keep seeing posts about "this problem is fixed in the next release" I wonder when we will see the early access pop up. ?
  4. I have Waves v9, v10, and v12 version plugins that will not work unless I WUP and get support. I don't have this problem with any of the other over 1000 plugins I have, in fact Waves is the only one I've ever had real install and authorization issues with. I do have over 20 WAVES plugins that do still work, but there are some that don't even though they absolutly should. As for paying $19 a week for WUP, that is the most absurd nonsese I can think of. I can get everything PA has for a fraction of that and get to keep a bunch of them. They are better than WAVES in every concievable way. Even when I was under WUP the support was mediocre at best. And frandkly I shouldn't need support, I know my way around computers, if something isn't working it is a product issue.
  5. Will see, that seems to open the door for another potential reset before the end.
  6. My affiliate link in case anyone is thinking about picking this one up: ? https://vstbuzz.com?raf=ref5027852
  7. 100% agree on the notion of demoing the SPL one. I will say on many Transient designers you will end up killing the tone by trying to de-verb a source in ways the SPL in some scenarios won't. I think the Sonible's Proximity EQ is a good tool for de-verb with more control. And of course Zynaptiq is next level stuff.
  8. Ahh, the Producer days I suppose are the "good old days" then. I do recall the discussion around this fact now when Cakewalk seemed between owners.
  9. I paid for lifetime updates. The previous program didn't have this limitation. It obviously isn't a deal breaker, but it is a step back for those of us that paid hundreds of dollars for this software back in the day. I'm thankful for where it landed, but I also noted this was the one area that isn't "improved" from a customer perspective.
  10. Only thing I'd point out is that doesn't Melda have something like a 20% of retail transfer fee? So many of the standards would be $23 or more for a transfer. TurboComp for example would be about $47.
  11. As you can tell by reading the statement it is phoning home constantly and requires an internet connection. It isn't about the manual process. It is about the fact I have to refresh activation via the internet periodically or the software stops working.
  12. I'd agree, but at the same time I also don't think it is more than a day or two of work to make it (I've asked for it for a couple years now). He already has the plugin on the market and clearly knows the pro-channel workings as he is one of the only developers that already created some 3rd party ones, including one that was bundled with the program. Given Bandlab has talked about the overwhelming response to new users using Cakewalk now. This is a plugin that is also very affordable and ripe for a budget concious DAW user.
  13. Yep, the 6 month refresh requirement is about my only gripe coming from an easy unlimited off-line install scenario that never needed to check in or phone home.
  14. I was going to mention Boz, but his lack of developming the pro-channel PanKnob which should be an easy addition to the product line makes me sad. Otherwise he treats customers well.
  15. They wanted something like $300+ for people to upgrade to Superior Drummer 3 even if they purchase 2 in the last year and only even offered that outrageous pricing for a few months then took away the upgrade option. I own a number of TT products, but they are average at best, not worthy of mention.
  16. Yep, still hoping for that also. But if we got one today....then that would increase changes for the double reset I was really hoping for..
  17. Who else woke up disappointed there wasn't a voucher reset last night? ?
  18. Melda Production Audiority I'll include Plugin Alliance because the quality/sale with loyalty is about as good as it gets if you are patient. Authorization fits in the acceptable category but I'd prefer more freedom. Toneboosters has a lot of bang for the buck, compare features and interface of EQ4 to anything on the market to the price. Upgrades at IKM are terrible but they are responsive on the customer support side even for the free products. And the number of products they have given away over the last 2 years is pretty amazing. And 9 authorizations with the ability to deauthorize is pretty good (expiring downloads for purchased products is also terrible)
  19. Yes, I agree you can. But simulating that also means doubeling up on the console emulation. And it within a DAW freeze process seems like you would then be freezing, taking that track and moving it to antoehr track to then potentially freeze it again if you need to based on the extra effects needed. You are correct, but in my experience (which might seem limited) I'd say most people do not record straight to tape without making some other adjustments before getting it there. That said, I stopped using tape years ago and perhpas modern methods changed dramatically.
  20. Tape is LAST in a typical channel /effects workflow if you are trying to simulate a real world scenario. You don't plug your guitar into a tape machine then add EQ, Comp, Reverb after that....you do all that and then you run it into tape to record it. So you are freezing after everything else is set...thus the fader comment. It isn't a slight of your mixing abilites, it is a workflow consideration.
  21. Thats fine as long as mixing to you is only automating faders. As for me, I prefer the freedom to continue to make changes with out having to freeze/unfreeze
  22. AirWindows ToTape does it easily ToneBoosters Reelbus v4 seems fairly light for a Tape Emu also The IK Tape Machines sound great, but I'm with other posters pretty big CPU hog where I'm looking at only BUS work. I also don't need ALL of those machines, I'd love for just the singles to go on a nice sale.
  23. Really want the LE version. Hopefully next time it goes on a nice sale. Got it the player when they gave out Montastry Grand. Not really ever expecting to buy into it (though I think the Grand is excellent), but I expect this will be a powerhouse of an instrument at some point and would be nice to have and now is at the top of my list of Melda plugins I want but don't have.
  24. I haven't upgraded the G8 (they have a less feature rich version free with Computer Music Magazine) that has been my go-to for years....and don't have to deal with 3 machine authorization limitations. I've got Sandman Pro and BYOME but need to spend with them. Haven't tried SpecOps yet, but seems interesting too.
  25. the Ozone Elements and Spred plugins don't need a sub (I posted that deal in a different thread). We liklely all have Elements, but this was the first time I've seen Spread for free. I gave it a test spin and seems pretty cool. Reminds me of Boz Mongoose, Pan Knob, and Ozone imager. The "multiband" style spreading is interesting. Haven't done testing to determine the mono mix down impacts, but seems like it could be useful.
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