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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Wish it was for a melda product I don't have. But at this price certainly suggest others give it a demo. Would be a little more useful with an EQ built in so you wouldn't need another plugin to make the adjustment that are revealed with this one.
  2. Haven't tried but I've seen post of others in the past that suggest they don't as the whole process is automated. Realistically I have so much good stuff from them, maybe this setback will curb the temptation.
  3. It was a sad month this August getting "downgraded" from a $25 voucher to a $50 one. I hoped this day wouldn't come but here we are. I wonder what the tier was in spending I hit that triggered it. It is a very rare occassion the $50 ones seem worthwhile, as the mega sales where everything is discounted heavily they seem to skip on sending the personal vouchers. The $25 vouchers plus regular $40 sales are the gold mine.
  4. It is worth $15, but do wish they give it a re-sizable update.
  5. I bought Melodyne 4 studio with the hopes of #1 working well with Cakewalk, but kept finding there was way too much garbage to clean up for practical use. Any tips to get this to work as expected?
  6. Some claim this is even better than many of the physical pickup coverters and doesnt' require a hardware ad-on. I ran the demo and though it was pretty impressive. https://www.jamorigin.com/ unfortunatly they raised the rate again by another $50
  7. I already have MAutoDynamicEQ (which is suposidly this thing plus more features). I'm curious if this one actually runs any more efficiently than the "auto" version. Even though the Auto version seems efficient, I wonder if that would give me an excuse to grab both. ?
  8. I'd run a demo and see. I own both. I think the Focusrite is a more intuitive/better layout and features. But the "N" sounds different and also has a different workflow. Both are quality plugins.
  9. This plugin is the one that started my PA/Brainworx collection. Hard to go wrong with it, though the controls feeling a little backwards on the EQ takes a few min to get used to.
  10. Related to owning a previous version.
  11. It is also nonsense to charge $300 for a DAW these days when Cakewalk is Free.
  12. They seem to have gotten better about it as of late, but they have historically had Waves Central updates that can "break" plugins that previously did work (v9 to v 10 was the worst offender that I recall), and without WUP they won't lift a finger to help you. This is relevant as you add plugins over the years. If you literally never run a Waves Central update - once they are working they should continue working. But if you add plugins or run multiple versions - from experience and from seeing other posts there are instances where you should have a working plugin but don't. I have machines that have v9 plugins that won't work and also even have a v12 plugin that won't work on one machine (but will work on the older machine). Waves isn't all rainbows and unicorns despite being one of the leading sellers of these things.
  13. If your Taylor has the fishman matrix, you might try to test drive one of the fishman aura pedals with it. If you match it up with the same model and pu used for the capture - it can transform the piezo into something closer to a micd guitar. It isn't perfect of course, but quite a bit different than your typical acoustic preamp toys. If your guitar doest match the pickup used for an image, it won't sound great though.
  14. What is the DRM like on this through epic games, do you know? Obvious GOG is paid at this time, but is DRM-Free.
  15. Right and you can also run a pre-amp pedal like the Ethos (and bypass the cab simulation output) to get the cab sim from this new pedal. But my point being honeslty not anywhere near the value that putting an amp sim plus optional cab and mix sim would have been. My thought wasn't that it was totally worthless, just isn't anywhere close to what it could have been and really only provides potential benefit to a very small seletion of users. Most amps DI out do not sound great even though really good IRs.
  16. Unless I missed something the obvious lust worthy pedal (Amplitube AMP/Cab simulation) in a pedal is missing from the line up. Honestly we have plenty of options for reverb, delay, modulation, distortion....what we are missing that is generally unique to IKM would have been the AMPs in a box instead of being tied to a computer (which makes you run your computer if far lower latency than most of us can do once a number of tracks are down) which would have been an actual value add to the recording process - not to mention the live application which is what most of us buy pedals for. It also says included 5 cab impulses so you can go direct to PA. Uh...without amps included what is the point?
  17. Haven't tried this one, but I have yet to try any de-esser that actually gets rid of everything I want it to and leaves in tact everything I want it to keep.....leaving me disappointed and waiting for the fun to show up. Note I haven't tried Melodyne 5s new features.
  18. I'm not sure I would have made any purchase without them. They usually bring something into the range of "ok I'll buy it" Im betting the criticisms come from the idea of just give the extra discount without them. I realize it is a loyalty program but from the negativity I've seen, seems like the customer base that is loyal wants better upgrade, crossgrade offers and feel like the new buy in prices are typically really close to the same. If almost every purchase uses jam points just get rid of the program and lower rates by 30% across the board including when sales hit.
  19. Certainly the best I've seen in the last year assuming you have a $25 voucher. If you don't have a voucher I'd imagine it hitting $29 instead of $39 at some point.
  20. Exactly, my point being this is what IK should have as a new product. Perhpas not the amp, but a pedal board looking device that can go into a Full Range speaker or recording console. The "irig" line looks more like beginner stuff that is also going to get outdated practically instanlty with the use of devices that are built for obsolescene.
  21. Back to my concept of get out of the computer interface. Want to break free from using a computer for guitar tones.
  22. Good EQ but was available for $10 last week...
  23. Tested briefly last night. The interface could use a better design as the layout isn't ideal from a human factors perspective. Interesting pushing a gain knob way up and not getting a volume increase....that can be pretty cool once you mentally get your head around it. Can't say I was getting sounds I prefered out of it quickly compared to some of the PA channel strip options though. EQs didn't seem as musical as some of the alternatives on quick adjustments but I'd reserve opinions until I'd actually grasp the interface and do more testing. a nice freebie, but the real question is will it replace something I've paid for? Not convinced yet, but will absolutly install it on computers where I haven't authorized/don't have enough authorizations for a paid product.
  24. They sure are. I know lots of them that I've told to go download and test out the amp sims, etc and it is almost always a "oh that looks cool" then never gets downloaded or used. I'm both a guitarist and a recording engineer and frankly the tone and feel of in the box has come a LONG way but the interface is garbage compared to my boutique pedal board when you want to jam and change tones on the fly. I really do get it from the guitarist perspective.
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