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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I bought one of them months ago around that price to compare it to my OG H1. This H1n is being discontinued, this the discount. Look up h1essential to see the replacement. Sound quality in these isn't great. I only use them in situations where real mics are impractical due to everything else I may be doing (multiple video cameras, or have to have all gear on a single hand held camera where this might end up on a hot shoe. If you are going outside with it you will also want a wind protector.
  2. Depends on where your interest is (and when you went for that first visit). But for photographers it crushes any local store. KEH has more used gear but they literally don't have a real storefront with things in display. BH has quite a bit on display now and a very unique conveyor belt system visible in the ceiling. Of course if you look at everything they have online and expect to have Noah's Arc with two of every kind in display...that wouldn't be practical with the location costs in NYC.
  3. Quick test and this finally seemed to fix the Cakwalk crash issue if you tug on the corner. Maybe I can trust it enough to use it.
  4. Well did you buy all three desktop app but not the universal license? The universal license gives you all 3 desktop apps and the ipad apps under one seat. If you got the 3 desktop apps instead then there is still something for them to sell you. As for me, my email included this:
  5. Depends on the computer. resource hog when the algos are found in far more efficient plugins. If they had the same efficiency as the EA plugins they borrowed code from id agree. With the AI it is basically designed for track use but it isn't efficient enough for that. And putting it on a bus limits what it is capable of. IMO
  6. Tens of thousands of hours is a gross overstatement for these that hit $30 with PA. Many of their plugins are even reusing code.
  7. These companies don't seem to care that the number of people actually turning a profit after all music equipment and lessons are paid off on the music they create are likely 1 in 10,000. Sad really.
  8. Agreed except that you can see by some posts there a some individuals that are voting against this rational thought process and actually buying a subscription.
  9. There was a time when Cakewalk also had a rent to own type of subscription where you kept the last version you paid a monthly membership for.
  10. Not in the deals forum that is for sure. This whole subscription business isn't a deal.
  11. I'd be surprised if anyone wants a premium cost perpetual and updates. Owning it outright like Reaper seems like a customer friendly model. Which costs a lot less than a yearly sub.
  12. We probably need a poll to find out how many people are actually subscribing. If they are not willing to change I have to imagine it is because people are giving them money even though there is a vocal crowd saying "no subscription". (Of which I fall into said camp). Either they are just waiting until they get enough continual revenue commitment to ope the door for perpetual seats or for the first time in history the Cakewalk team is ignoring the client base all together. They had one of the better licensing programs in the business before in terms of not treating paid customers as criminals. New ownership now, but after all the we have no intention to charge for the DAW talk when they took over, it would be shocking to move to the most hated software model in the industry.... subscriptions.
  13. So they get grouped together with this request, I'm guessing feedback on standardization of the from would be helpful for your support team Given the fact they didn't have a "we want a perpetual option" in the drop down despite every end user would like to see this as an option.
  14. The old Sonar didn't phone home and ask you to keep logging in. I'm thankful Cakewalk is still expected to not cost extra on top of what was invested in it over a number of years to get it to a maturity state. That said - there are plenty of reasons why we see discontent related to the current "outcome" of the direction they have decided to go based on past history.
  15. Won't pay for a subscription...and only offering a subscription I'm betting feels a little contentious to a few of us that bought into the "lifetime updates" in the old days, since it no longer gives an option to own it. Glad to see the continual development but hoping this is just a temporary strategy to see how many will give the continual revenue. Also, I don't need any additional VSTs or VSTis, I just want a fully functional DAW without extra add-ons. Most people that were acquiring plugins during the pandemic have far more than they will use in a lifetime.
  16. hmmm....now what is the cheapest piece of junk software to get it? ?
  17. I wouldn't download the Drums unless you have MDrummer. Don't think enough of the presets in SoundFactory use them to make it worthwhile Would install PowerStrings though.
  18. Meldway Grand is no brainer at $10 if you have the drive space, but honestly I'd pay the extra and get LE when on sale which will give you all the instruments.
  19. I've used MLImiterX becase it is CPU efficient, and the clean/punchy can be nice for a quick and easy effect. I wouldn't say it is better than some of the other high end options sonically but I do grab it sometimes. Own but havent' used the other one, as Ultra Maximizing isn't my thing. I want dynamics.
  20. Update, tried it an uninstalled. Had some quirks on my machine that made me pass. If I didn't have some great alternatives it might have stuck around.
  21. Reduced quote to not fill up the forum. But I've criticized some IKM practices, but I was also a Day one adopter of TONEX before everyone came out of the woodwork when the first pedal hit the market (which I ordered immediately). Once I made my own captures, I said it was the best thing on the market. Period. When I captured arguably the best sounding and most responsive amp ever made, I also see the limitations of TONEX. That said, it brought the dream come true experience of getting close to that sound and feel at any volume which other methods never got to. It is close enough to be very happy about especially with the in the box and hardware options to use it. All the amps in MAX, there are some gem captures. But they don't have a single amp on there where I feel they have captured the range of the amp so you can use it in a meaningful "clean, dirty, lead" type of way. Not a single amp do I think they did a great job of this. Way too many eq changes, different mics and cabs used across the same amp with no consistency. I agree that all the major 3rd parties also have some duds in what they released. Recording an amp really well is not easy and the time it takes to profile on an advanced setting compounds the issue. I think it is unfortunate that the MAX tier doesn't include the "better captures" such as the Dumble Legends, MESA, etc that were obviously not done by the internal IKM team. The 53 Bassman is one of the better ones in the MAX collection and they didn't even release it at the beginning despite it being in the showcase videos. They also only have limited captures of it. If you like vintage fender stuff - also check out Amp Gems. I dig their 67 Blackface Super Reverb more than the IKM or Amalgam Captures - https://ampgems.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=56 They only do DI stuff, and have pretty good IRs of the amp that helps make it sound / feel like the real thing. There are also a couple free on ToneNet to try out. Speaking of ToneNet. While I agree that wading through it is annoying - the fact remains (and part of the criticism of the IKM captures) comes from the fact that there are some amp captures on TN that are quite literally better than what IKM, the inventors of the tech came up with.
  22. I didn't see if it if was. Perhaps you were thinking about Shape it by Soundly. Another solid free eq that had some posts here.
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