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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I agree as it relates to PA. But there have been a number of one time deals that never got better from other companies.
  2. I disagree with that as an absolute statementm, there have been deals never to return....but when it comes to PA, I'd agree that is pretty fitting as rock bottom prices tend to resurface over and over.. I like this EQ, love the layout (CPU hit not so much and the top end can get a bit harsh depending on what you are doing with it). One of my go-tos though. That said, it has also been available for less than $30 more than once assuming universal voucher codes and the like. In fact it was $25 about 15 days ago, with no loyalty vouchers requried.
  3. Having this one first would have saved me buying all the other PA Strips, or at least for basically everything other than just the fun of experimenting. I do wish you could set the GUI default for every time you add a new instance to the track, and if they offered switchable "pre-amp" saturation options this thing would be a monster.
  4. Honestly this is my most used PA "effect" plugin. Not sure your workflow, but if you like channel strips as part of it, this is the most feature rich and usable one I've found. Sure I augment it with other eqs/comps/etc sometimes. But it is low on CPU usage and the more stuff you can accomplish in it, frees up resources for adding other things. I always say each of the other strips feel more compromised in some way. From unusable compressors, to questionable EQs, terrible layouts, etc. It can't do everything - but the knobs / workflow is among the best on the market, and the sound quality is quite good. One of the only plugins I don't regret paying a little bit more for.
  5. See from the end user perspective, that I what I'd consider running someone off - especially as the reigning king and all.
  6. And yet we have at least 50 people around here and still the number of deal posts are lacking. It is crazy. I even had to post a not a deal here for the PA related PSA. I don't know who ran him off, but sad that kind of thing takes place.
  7. Ahh yes, the modded de-gooped Dumble that was Bonnamassa's. Did you buy it from Wild West Guitars or just get to borrow it for the modeling? Of note it is a 50W ODS not the typical 100W. I'm curious on these if the modeling handles capturing the range of the knobs (gain, eq, swtiches, etc) or just static grabs of a particular setting then the software takes over to allow some adjustment of say eq and tone curves. Some of the "list" suggests a single chain with stompboxes in it, are those baked into the profile, or were they captured independenlty so they can be switched on and off?
  8. I thought the same but they are keeping it alive for those already paying for it. I'm betting they are smart enough to exclude all advanced plugins as those with vouchers could keep buying advanced every month and sell the codes on the side.
  9. They don't force us to buy it, and the seats are actually perpetual (generally speaking) unlike say WAVES where something is bound to break and you literally have to buy it again to get support to make it work. As long as the price is low enough and they don't force you to buy it, I can't morally object to it. Have I bought things I wouldn't have in a different model, I'm sure I have. When they switched the model, I'd basically bought all I need and then some already...so any maker is going to have a tough time grabbing any cash above $10 from me now unless the product is truly unique (Next Scaler upgrade I might go above the $10 mark as an example) I also find buying plugins a distraction at this point and doing it less and less. Then again we also had 2 years of mass spending on plugins that the world has never seen before and on the whole are all loaded up with enough to last a lifetime now....with the economy doing what it is doing, I think plugins are no longer a priority for a lot of us and PA is feeling that pinch right after they sold the company who thought the stats they had were looking awfully good.
  10. To Yan's point. That model would not generate as much revenue as it kills off the value proposition of the sales and limited time only nature of impulse buying. If I only bought what I needed at $30 a pop, they would not have hustled me into buying the ~90 I have today. But I agree that would simplify and make the customer experience of only buy what you need a whole lot easier as there is a TON of overlap in the purchases once you start going crazy.
  11. The vast majority of the complaints recently I've seen are inability to get deep discounts below $31. Having to spend a Min of $50 has been the deal killer more than a you can get anything for $31 opportunity. But I would argue that being able to get any plugin at $31 at any time hurts the value perception. I agree it does help kill the sense of urgency that drove a lot of sales.
  12. Since they haven't dropped the min voucher spend back down yet. I really do wonder if they investigated the results in the right area. On the surface it seems like they saw sales drop but are pointing at potentially the wrong places.
  13. Ironically the only reason I picked up the Crown was I thought it could get a decent piano like clean tone with good note separation. Never been a mesa metal tone fan overall. Now I haven't used it again since the demo period after I picked it up as I haven't had the time and also live in a Nembrini or PA world most of the time when I do get a few minutes. So take it with a grain of salt. Overall, most of the amps they release are WAY over the top too gainy for my taste as well....but the price is good and the interface is nice and modern/resizable.
  14. yep, even the $75 voucher with $125 spend means stars have to align to make it worth while. Disappointing as I'm curious about a couple of the upcoming releases (Amek Console and Amek EQ250), but no idea on the release dates or if it would be worth the $31.
  15. Expected this to happen PA announces important changes to the FOREVER 29 plan. The FOREVER 29 offer will run out, effective August 15. So if you want to join the exclusive F29 community, you still have a few days left. We will honor all active plans going forward! So if you are subscribed already, or if you sign up before August 15, there won't be any changes for you! FOREVER 29 – The Details: F29 is a subscription plan that gives you 1 perpetual (aka "forever") plugin license every month, at just $29.99/mo + $1 per plugin. Pick ANY plugin once a month! We will not accept new subscribers for the FOREVER 29 plan after August 15. But, if you are already subscribed to FOREVER 29, we will honor your subscription and will continue to send you monthly $1 codes, as long as you don't cancel. The same is true, if you sign up now before August 15. So hurry, if you want to join! Last call..! If you cancel after August 15, 2022, you won't be able to re-subscribe to FOREVER 29.
  16. They just need to make it resizable and to remember the size preference upon opening.
  17. Pretty surprising choice for release at this stage in the collection they have.
  18. I own almost everything IKM released (outside of some released this year), so I appreciate virtual gear too. It wasn't intended as a contest, but I will say that when I got everything in Amplitube 5 (which most would say is a TON of gear), the thing about the amps that are in there - it always seemed to lack the "boutique" stuff. I've long been a proponent and fan of the fact you have a couple Dr. Zs and a few more rare vintage pieces in the lineup to get out of that box. But I also know that if IKM had Dumbles, Trainwrecks and things of that sort, I'm sure there would be an unbranded version in the package somewhere already. There are tons of ways to get great tone, with far "less valuable" gear. But vintage marshalls, fenders, etc while fairly valuable are also much more on the obtainable spectrum as there are more of them, sold more frequently, and don't cost as much as a house. My point was that with this Tech...if put in the hands of those that do actually have access to the most rare stuff on earth...that sound could make it into the hands of the masses, which you would think people might be grateful for. Then again, many don't have the experience to know what they are missing out on by not having played through such gear. My first comments were around IKM doesn't have amps that are better than what some of us have access to. Again, I'm sure you guys have awesome stuff and I look forward to the digital version of it, but also not a company that is out dropping $250K on a single amp head either and I wouldn't expect you to. Some of us could help you with that is all I'm suggesting.
  19. He was well known and is credited as one of the starts of the boutique amp community. He didn't only make 4 amps. He only made a few of that particular model before he passed away way earlier than he should have. It is documented he made aroud 100 amps in total (across 3 models....the Rocket he only made 5 of) they were all hand build by him selecting each and every part including transformers (most of which he rejected) and that creates a very limited work stream. His amps were so valuable and saught after even during his lifetime (they sky rocketed after) that he even offered a triple your money back guarantee and not a single person took him up on it. And his amps due to the nature of the custom builds were not exaclty on the cheap end of the specturm, but they were fairly priced for the skill and labor. Billy Gibbons, Eric Johnson, Mark Knophler (still uses), Eddie Van Halen all placed orders while he was alive among a number of others. Brad Paisley, Warren Haynees, Keith Urban, Trey Anastasio and Joe Bonnamassa were also other notable owners that paid a premium for them. Not a bad list of buyers/owners for a company that made about 100 amps before the boutique amp craze was even a thing and a number of players bought a few of them. Most of the amps are owned by people you have never heard of but won't sell them becuase they like them too much even though they are worth tens of thousands of dollars even for the least desirable examples. Jim Marshall would call him asking for advice amoung many others. And other amp builders (including Howard Dumble) would actually request to be in booths at Trade shows away from Ken Fischer for fear it would hurt their own amp sales if heard in proximity. He was a highly regarded contributer at Vintage Guitar Magazine characterized by actual in depth technical knowledge not just the fluf that magazines have turned into. He also helped put the Klon on the map by simply giving it a somewhat favorable review and Klon even had this article on the website as a badge of honor (even though he critized the use of goop on the circut) The Komet brand was launched to use some of his design concepts but with components that did not need as much tweaking and hand selection. The Dr Z "Wreck" was also a colaboration around a similar idea. His design concepts but adapted for mass production. Unlike most amps on the market, to really get into the ball park of an actual trainwreck takes both the makers skill and a set of ears to select the specific components, not just a "capacitor of this value in this position." He could even diagnose amp problems and what to fix by hearing them played over the telephone (think about how terrible phone quality was). There are many stories of him telling a guitar player where to put the amp and to play and he would make recomendations to fix it and with what components. When you only make 100 amps, there is only going to be so many players that even get the opporutnity to hear one, let alone play it. The Express which is his most well known model was also one he didn't even like by the end of it. It just grew out of players wanting higher gain and a more "EVH" type of tone. He shared his knowledge freely and created quite a legacy for a very short life span with his own company. He was a legend and not becuase he created gooped circuits and a closed door policy (which is a claim to fame of other builders). It is unfortnaute so few people get to experience them.
  20. Thanks I may try that again, when I used it years ago I never bonded with the layout of the interface. Which must sound ironic coming from someone using WinAmp from 20 years ago.
  21. Dang, you are on the modern version. Here is mine: v 2.79 running a 128 kbps MP3
  22. Based on the description, I'm guessing I'll stick with my old installers. Not interested with "connecting with artists, etc" Just want a super bare bones player that isn't trying to connect with the internet in any way shape or form.
  23. What is the authorization method on these? Main company website seems to suggest the brand uses ilok or a licensing system (but perhaps not both concurrently). Any insight into what that looks like for these?
  24. The only reason I didn't buy things last month with the loyalty voucher was the $50 I'd have to spend, it had nothing to do with the deals on the table. If you looked at what you could get during the Summer Sale + Hall of Fame EX sale, it was actually nuts. I put a bunch of stuff in my cart and looked at what my voucher could have got - it would have been somewhere around $8/plugin. And that was generally stuff I didn't have yet and I own at least 90 of what they were offering for sale on the site now. Same deal less than a year ago would have been instant buy. It was just a matter of timing.
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