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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Yeah, took it for a test spin and many settings didn't sound like a Uni-Vibe to me. There are a few that get into the Uni-Vibe sweet spot, but that is a fairly limited range. So if you crank the speed for example - you get out of what a unit actually sounds like. (note I'm a guitar player used to actual light based vibe-units...not a keys player used to in the box emulations of guitar toys)
  2. Yep, that is the Tremolo/Uni-vibe product I mentioned. I didn't call it by name as when I first saw just the name (before investgating it and buying it) I thought "another Tube something or other" nah don't need it. However, Un-Vibe is my favorite modulation effect and options are pretty much nothing in the plugin format. Glad I took a look into what it actually was - and made it an easy decision to get it when it was on sale. (I've noted it elsewhere, but the only thing I don't like is I wish they had a more transparent switch option for many of them. sometimes the flavor it imparts really does change the tone/eq a fair amont more than I want...otherwise wonderful).
  3. Also throwing this one in the hat for sale items worth considering: Audiority Harmonic Maximizer for $10 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3440-Harmonic-Maximizer That is what I picked. Being impressed with Audiority's XenoVerb and Teremolo/UniVibe plugins, thought I'd give it a shot since I don't have any Exciter that has this kind of control. Only used it for a few minutes, but think I'll find it useful and I always appreciate the Audiority authorization method they use. Only thing I don't care for about that is having your name on the plugin interface (if you don't use your actual name for a youtube channel and screen record mixing or something). Note doesn't have VST3 version.
  4. I'm only interested in the Plugins (though I do peruse the rest, it is usually of limited value to me) Therefore, strictly from the VST adn VSTi perspective, Baby Audio Delay is the only thing I personally actually installed, it has been very "light" in that regard. Lots of samples and things of that nature per the usual, but again not usually anything that is of value to me personally. It seems it was about 6 months ago there was a offer to pay $1 to get 3 free issues....from Zinio and you could stack them...effectively getting 6 issues for $2....and thus for me....like paying $2 for the single delay plugin (which I don't need thanks to owning things like Boz's imperial delay)
  5. Lots of us got it for free a year ago. Getting this one he is just saying it is like getting another year of WUP instead of buying that worthless "service" like a sucker
  6. Looks like they need to update the website graphics to show the much apprecaited/needed update. Indeed the 1.6 version now includes a very long throw fader on the right of the plugin.
  7. Yep, and also demonstrates the point I expected to make. Thousands of dollars worth of gear and plugins vs a $10 purchase. Thought others might appreciate the context of the statement.
  8. Lots of better options? Ok, name some.... ?
  9. Love this. Was hoping they would add this concept when they rolled out the Arangement part...then multiple arrangements. Primary key here is they need to create and easy way to grab the chord (and type) instead of the end user creating one....or pre-creating an absurd number of chords.
  10. I'm sure I will. Just want to let the water settle before I subject my system to it. This is one where I've heard some not so plesent expereinces out of the gate. I do like an option for deauthorization. Though if local only, that has its own challenges. Did they get rid of the install everyting model? That is pretty lame. But I do like the plugins I do own that they make.
  11. Haven't tried the new IKM product manager. Wondering when/if I'll be forced to. That said, at least IKM allows someithg like 9 authorizations before you would have to contact support and tell them what you are up to switching machines all the time. Would it destroy your world to find out someone who you don't respect every opinion of also hates the IKM manager. Maybe you should hit him up on Twitter to find out if he is in agreement on this very important topic.
  12. A number of people reported issues from v9 to v10 where v9 would no longer work and the "help" tutorials of what to do did not fix the issue. I agree those plugins "should" work as long as the VST standard still works. This issue is WAVES has a proven track record of that not exactly playing out, and they will not provide support unless you WUP. Those older plugins should work, no doubt about it....and it is easy to sit back and say "was fine for me" but when you have other techonolgoy professionals that tried all the options outside of a computer reformat - it indicates there can be problems. I use a flashdrive model for my WAVES plugs. (I have over 20 of them) but it is very annoying having to turn on a computer, connect it to the internet, login to WAVES, Move the USB, Same Process for other machine. Then transfer them back. If you work between machines (sometimes more than one in a day), it is a time waster and many people decide they either buy another seat, or they stop using them to avoid that non-sense. Even most ilok companys (sans Exponential Audio) allow 2 authorizations at a time. And have you ever had a comptuer HD or USB stick fail? I certianly have over the years. And just try WAVES support outside of WUP to get you back up and running. You might get lucky or you might be wating DAYS to get your single seat back in business. Even when I was covered, I had to wait days to get support, and even more days to get a fix. With a simple two authorization process - this isn't a problem at all. There is only one other plugin manufacture I've ever even contacted with a support issue in over 15 years. You are also dependent on the internet for this process. I've certianly had times where I need to authorize to a different machine but couldn't due to an internet outtage, and I live in a very well populated area.. ..and not evenone has the free usb ports on the extra computer, so the process will typically involve using the USB as a transfer device...moving the transfer to the USB then to the Computer, then back to the USB. Same deal with ilok. For a class leading company....they have room to improve. We are talking about paying customers here, not criminals. If you want to stand buy you won't need to WUP ever statement, I have some v9 plugs that won't work if you want to send me some cash. I will say v10 and v11 have been working fine overall since the v11 Waves Central. v10 Waves central was very buggy across 10 computers, and was not dependable to install and authorize, many hours of frustration for what should have been very simple install and authrize process. Not one computer....10 .
  13. I'm not so sure....I saw some people buying things that clearly were not real deal s in his absense. It was shameful really. ?
  14. That opinion is indeed ridiculous in the deals forum. ? Very cool reverb, but when we have seen deals like $10 for Phoenix, XenoVerb, and (effectively $40 for R4 - or Nimbus)........
  15. Yep, the 336 is basically a smaller body 335 (also semi-hollow) 339 is same type of shape/size as the 336 but with the solid block. For more sustain and a punchier response. 339 is what I was going to get until I played the Prospect. The 339 was certainly a very nice guitar (though even custom shops vary a fair amount in actual quality at Gibson). I've only played a limited number of Prospects (Gibsons are far more prevalent), but the one I got....is really my dream guitar. Only critiques I'd have would be the range/taper of the volume/tone knobs, and that is an easy fix, it is just so close to perfection otherwise, so never bothered to let anyone else touch it. Just fine for most people, but likely not the ideal choice for someone that wants full dynamic control from an amp (without pedals).
  16. Heritage made more than just the "335" style hollowbody. I also like the smaller hollowbody style (but the LP sounds and responds way differently than a 339). Now the 336 is closer to a LP since it has a "block" in it. Heritage Prospect was availabe with floating block, solid bock, or fully hollow. Similar size to the 336/339. That is what I'd be looking at in the Heritage line for the smaller than 335 style semi-hollow (and I think Heritage model that is simlilar to the 335 is the H535)
  17. Look at Heritage Guitars. I own vintage (and modern Gibsons). When I was in the market for a Semi-Hollow body guitar, I expected to look at a CS-336, 339 or ES-335. I ended up with a Heritage that I feel is superior to the majority of Gibsons. They are now even owned by Bandlab, but still made in the original Gibson factory in MI. You can do some history search on them of how they came to be with original Gibson factory workers, etc.
  18. They used to have iLok as an option. Can't blame them from moving from that however many others have chosen much better systems as the alternative. They have a big marketing budget they have to support/pay for. I've had more problems with WAVES than any other software I can think of off the top of my head.
  19. Interface changed in the last 2 years, but I think your general distaste for it will remain. Especially that uninstall part. It has been more reliable than in the past. I think they make good sounding stuff and own a number of them. However, I try to actually avoid using them and my experience suggests they can't be used or trusted long term without the absurd WUP.
  20. Long time Cakewalk Sonar user here, I had not heard of Bandlab before the aquisiton either. Heritage Guitars made my favorite guitar I've ever owned (as well as played - and I've played some very expensive guitars). Granted it was made before Bandlab took over ownership of Heritage Guitars. But you can bet if I'm ever in the market for a guitar again to add to the colleciton, Heritage Guitars owned by Bandlab is the first and likley last place I'm going to have to look to find it. I continue to be thankful I didn't buy the Gibson Semi-Hollowbody , went on to the next store where I found my dream Heritage instrument. Just worlds better than the Gibson. Only guitar I've ever played that felt like it was made fo r me. (Note to Bandlab: Not sure why you discontinued the Prospect model, it is magic. ).
  21. B-Reverb is good for free, though I haven't touched it in years. Unfortunately you are asking these questions about a week late. About a week ago you could get Excalibur for $10 and then do this upgrade to get R4 for another $30 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/17-Reverb/6648-R4-Upgrade-from-PhoenixVerb-or-Excalibur R4 is the best mix of Algo verb and low processing I've heard. You only get 1 authorization though and that is lame. it is normally $300. If serious about it, you might look around to see if any resellers have Phoenix verb or Excalibur on sale (because they purchased it during the sale for $10, then get the upgrade deal for R4. Phoenix is a more transparent Reverb than R4 and is also outstanding, but doesn't add that "color" the R4 does. I do not like the single seat authorization of these, but they are world class. and once you use them, it unlikely you will want or need something of a similar type. I have other reverbs for more extreme /effect type of things. The guy that made Phoenix and R4 was a primary developer at Lexicon and applying those skills to modern processing systems.
  22. Not sure if you saw in the other threads, but it seems like NI might be crippiling the ability of some providers to offer products that work with the "player" version of Kontakt. I haven't figured out the whole scope of the situation yet, but some changes happened recenlty.
  23. Was interested unitl I noticted the sequencer is only in the paid version. Think I have other options that cover the bases of the free version. Though they do make good plugins and good to seem them adding to the herd.
  24. I've had a couple really poor experiences with them (haven't used them in a number of years now). That being said, this was clearly an error. All other sites had promos for the same price on Essentials. Those that didn't get an order cancel are mearly lucky.
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