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Everything posted by rsinger

  1. Control Surface Plugin for Sonar https://www.roland.com/global/support/by_product/a-800pro/updates_drivers/
  2. You've sold me. I like spring reverb - I play guitar and have a couple spring reverb plugins, but I looked at the way this a laid out and like it. For the price it's worth trying.
  3. Also you need a software instrument to generate sound. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SoftSynths.08.html
  4. Here's a review of the motu m2. The reviewer does a number of measurements including RTL. Freq Response: 3:38 Dynamic Range: 4:33 EIN Comparison: 5:40 RTL: 8:45
  5. One of my next toys will be the Boss SY-1000. It's been unveiled, but won't be available until February.
  6. Some license deactivate as well as activate. iLok, Waves, and there was a zynaptiq on my system. Deactivating frees up the license so you can activate it on another (or the same) machine or maybe a mobile key. IKM and Omnisphere needed to be reactivated. Cakewalk, Nomad Factory, Camel Audio, Scuffham, Overloud, Korg, Reaktor 6 and its stuff and others didn't care that the OS and SDD changed. Note that I changed both the OS and the SDD. It's common for a license to be locked to an SDD. Some of those listed may not be affected by an OS change.
  7. I just updated my DAW from win7.1 to win10. I backed up the drive and cloned it to a new larger drive. I had put off getting a larger drive due to all the SW licenses involved. After switching to the new drive I deactivated all the licenses I could - iLok, Waves, and so on. I then updated to win10 and activated the licenses. I had to re-activate IKM licenses and Omnisphere, but I didn't have to reinstall anything. The only problem I have is with iZotope's RX 6 which came with Sound Forge or something. I never use it and haven't tried to straighten that out yet. Good luck.
  8. Happy New Year! AT's been winning me over. Personally I like the EQP-1A with guitar and I also like the Vintage Tube Compressor and White 2A Levelling Amp.
  9. Just an FYI. I updated my computer to win10 and a larger SDD and as part of the process tested all my licensed SW to make sure it all worked. I noticed that Omnisphere created noise inside CbB. (It was a release a few months old.) It is fine in Sonar Platinum, Live 9, and Samplitude. I updated CbB to the current release and the noise is gone. Very strange - it was only Omnisphere. The Korg Legacy synths, Alchemy, Reaktor 6, cakewalk synths & samplers all worked fine. ASIO buffer size is 96 which isn't pushing it on my system and performance meters were really low.
  10. I use both. I like looping to develop songs. I often develop ideas in Live 9, then move over to cakewalk to record/mix and master. When Gibson dropped Sonar I tried mixing in Ableton, but it didn't seem up to the task. My opinion.
  11. I tried a couple days ago and finally got an email this morning saying I got it. I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
  12. Here is a link to an article that discusses layering. https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/live-multi-layering-made-simpler
  13. One thing I find interesting is that there doesn't seem to be a noticeable difference in latency between their USB 2 and USB C interfaces. I've been looking at the Ultralite Mk4 and the M4. Ultralite Mk4 - the UltraLite-mk4 delivers an astonishing round trip latency (RTL) of 1.83 ms (milliseconds) on OS X and 1.84 ms on Windows over USB (at 96 kHz with a 32-sample host buffer) M4 - thanks to MOTU's expertly engineered USB drivers, which deliver class-leading, ultra-low 2.5 ms Round Trip Latency (at 96 kHz with a 32 sample buffer)
  14. The specs for the M4 say Computer I/O - 1 x USB-C (compatible with USB Type A) 2.0 audio class compliant USB-C 2.0 FWIW
  15. With Win 7 end of life coming up I plan on moving over to win 10 and getting a new interface. I need 4 in 4 out so the M-4 may work. Will have to see how the asio drivers are for win 10.
  16. CA-2A or equivalent before or after. I normally use TH-U and the bass super tube vr or bassface. I recently got the SVT 1 for AT, but haven't had the time to try it. Here's an example of the TH-U Bassface. https://sites.google.com/site/phoenixtaiji/music/content/GoldenHour.mp3
  17. I use the quadravox on synths and guitars and like it. I just upgraded to the octavox, but haven't had a chance to play with it.
  18. I don't have any problems; works just like any other amp sim - no special setup needed. I know there are a number of people using it with CbB. Have you already authorized it? IKM has a separate authorization manager.
  19. The LA-2A is the classic HW. There are a lot of vst emulations. I have the PC version, Wave's, and IKM's. If you don't already have the PC version I think you're out of luck. IKM's is part of TRacks. TRacks is nice if you like VC64 since it has a suite. You can set up a chain of processors like VC64 which is nice. The base is TRacks 5, but then you need to add some more compressors - the white 2A, vintage tube, and bus compressor or just buy the white 2A if you don't want the suite. Also Overloud has just released emulations of the LA-2A and LA-3A - Zo has done a review recently.
  20. Sweet, I still have an ADA MP-1 in a rack.
  21. Yeah, I thought last year about this time Mike said he was going to update all the SW that is used to build s-gear to current releases. I'm guessing that's not an easy task. No new features in that. That is supposed to be followed by a release 3.0. I'm not holding my breath.
  22. I dug around a bit. It's an OTA feedback design. OTAs increase low signals and decrease high signals and that explains why the DC was noisy. If I understand correctly it tries to ride the threshold. The M102 Dyna Comp has an attack time of 5ms and a release time of 1 sec. The maximum compression is 36 db. The controls are output - make up gain and sensitivity. If you try a VCA type design (PC76-U or PC4K-S [SSL type]) try the threshold at 0 and use the ratio as sensitivity. For chicken pickin try a ratio of 12 to 20 and a fairly high make up gain.
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