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Everything posted by rsinger

  1. Midi is information, have you set up an instrument or instruments to play the midi data or do you have a sound card that plays midi?
  2. Sometimes I use a mixer sometimes I don't, but I always monitor the input with input echo and have the HW monitor on the input turned off when I record.
  3. You need preamps to boost the signal to a level appropriate for the interface. You can't do that with software. The DAW is after the 4i4. It sounds like you need some preamps or a small mixer.
  4. That's good to know. I got my system from you last month and it's running fine.
  5. There's a bug in 13 & 14 gen intel i7 & i9 processors. Intel is supposed to release a fix in a few days. I have an i7, but my system has been stable. If you're thinking about either of those processors hold off for a few weeks. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/07/intel-has-finally-tracked-down-the-problem-making-13th-and-14th-gen-cpus-crash/
  6. I've used Blue Cat Audio's Connector for fb systems (Eno shimmer verb). https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_Connector/
  7. rsinger

    SSD + HDD?

    My DAW just has music stuff, but my last DAW was 10 years old, and I just copied things like a folder called music over to the new machine. The music folder is under documents, and I have manuals for most of my HW and SW. I have the latest installers for most of my SW. That was nice in setting up the new DAW - I didn't have to download those large files. I have sonar X1 and platinum installers, although for platinum it's useless 'cuz you still need CC to authorize. Some of that I'm likely to store on an external drive. DimPro didn't have an option to move the sample library, so that and its expansion libraries are on the system drive. Biab has a fairly large footprint on the system drive, although I've moved what I can to the audio drive. And so on ...
  8. rsinger

    SSD + HDD?

    I just got a new DAW and have 3 M.2 SSDs - 1 Tb for system, 2 Tb for audio, and 2 Tb for samples. I just do home recording.
  9. Have you downloaded and installed drivers for your HW? IIRC win 10 installed drivers for you. With win 11 I've had to dl + install the drivers myself.
  10. Check that the output on the Master bus is set to Audient ...
  11. Is this the latest release? EchoBoy had a problem with a vst3 release a while back and people were using a beta version. In the last month or two they did a new release. I haven't tried it turn off.
  12. I'm pretty sure I used Blue Cat Audio's Connector to implement Eno's shimmer verb. The feedback had both an octave and delay, so I went to another track and then back, but I don't think there's anything preventing you from connecting two instances in the same track.
  13. Yeah, I got a new DAW and tried installing Splat from downloaded files. It installed fine, but I needed CC to activate. I have Camel Audio's Alchemy. Camel Audio was sold to Apple and is no longer supported on the PC, but it still activated for me. Hopefully CC is maintained for some time ...
  14. I agree. I've used Live for years to work out ideas and with only a sub model available for Sonar I'm doing more and more in Live. I'm not in any sub plans with music software and don't plan on changing that. I'm keeping my eye on things here 'cuz I do like CbB ...
  15. I tend to use aux in this situation, but I don't think it matters. In terms of mixing then the various amps are on tracks.
  16. Why not add a second midi track for the second controller?
  17. Have you enabled midi input in the vst? Do you have a midi track for the input?
  18. I don't know how much I'll use it, but I picked it up on sale recently for multitap and yamaha ud stomp stuff.
  19. Band in a Box works pretty well. https://www.pgmusic.com/
  20. Didn't see it on the website - other IFs have a direct switch. If you're using FX make sure the direct switch on the 2i4 is off, if it has one. Keep the sample size low, 96 or 128 or less. It may be something in the VSTs you're using.
  21. rsinger

    Midi / Audio Latency

    I have a MOTU M4 and haven't had any problems with it. My DAW is 10 yrs old and a bit slow so I normally run at 128 samples, 44.1. but if I turn off the network it'll run at 64 for recording. Normally I use a MOTU midi express XT for MIDI. If I have time this year, I'll upgrade the MB.
  22. What do you mean by jack adapter? I have a Marshall class 5 head with a headphone jack on the back. To use that I use a TRS splitter into a DI box and attenuate the signal 20 dB. That works fine into a line level input.
  23. For amp modelers you add them as fx on an audio track. If you want to use a midi controller you need to add a midi track. In the Helix native plugin enable midi input. The input on the midi track will be the midi controller and set the output to Helix native.
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