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Everything posted by rsinger

  1. Does the crackling happen with wifi and lan disabled?
  2. If you play an electric gtr you can make it sound like an acoustic. Blue Cat Audio has the Re-guitar. https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_ReGuitar/ I use HW devices - Roland VG-99 or Boss SY-1000. Roland/Boss has other devices/pedals as well
  3. It depends on the vendors. Some let you manage license from any machine, with others you may have to contact their support.
  4. If the old HW still works uninstall/free up any SW license that are tied to that machine that you don't need when you get the new machine setup. That's more important if you keep a dual setup - DAW and laptop.
  5. I'm a guitarist, not a keyboard player - I just play enough for some synth parts, pads, and so on, so I didn't bother to load the pianos. I have them covered by other samplers.
  6. If you don't see it then CbB doesn't recognize it. To see if the computer does check Sound, video and game controllers in Device Manager. Also MIDI-Ox is a useful tool for debugging MIDI setups. http://www.midiox.com/
  7. Got it, thanks. I have the pedal - dimension dc-2w, but it's nice to have a SW version as well.
  8. To do this inside CbB look up groove clip looping. You can turn audio into a loop. You don't need a sampler to this inside CbB.
  9. A nice feature is that you can bypass the preamp and or power amp and it has a power soak. I have an old VG-99. It has lousy speaker emulation, you had to eq speaker response to get a decent sound. Putting the VG-99 through the Suhr PT-100 with the preamp disabled is nice. Unfortunately it doesn't look like you can load IRs. I think this will be good doing the same thing with an old MP-1 preamp as well.
  10. According to the web the juno gi has a built in IF. If you are using that then you need to select it's driver inside CbB. You may need to configure the IF - roland/boss IFs differ. Speakers/headphones will be plugged into the juno and you need to setup an audio track for audio from the juno (track input) output to master and select Input Echo.
  11. The first thing to do is open preferences and see if the Tascam US appears in the audio devices. If so that's not the problem. Then make sure that audio tracks are routed to a bus. Then check that buses are routed to master and that the master is routed to the Tascam.
  12. Ooops, I haven't done it with USB. Once you have the arduino programmed and you plug it into the computer does it show up as a midi device?
  13. If the motion depth is set to 0 in fxReverb you should be able to set the sonitus reverb to match, but you'll probably have to do some tweaking. If the motion depth is greater than 0 then you need to create a send bus and put the reverb on that and add modulation before or after the reverb. You can use sonitus modulator and try ensemble or string phaser mode on the modulator. HTH.
  14. I have both an M4 and midi express XT and they both work fine. The drivers have been solid for me.
  15. I got this message yesterday on my DAW. The last time I used CbB I was using a Boss SY-1000 as an interface. When I opened CbB yesterday the SY-1000 was powered off and a MOTU M4 was powered on. When I opened preferences the M4 was there, but as expected nothing was checked. Checking the appropriate boxes everything was fine. Seems like it could be a case of switching devices as well - I use both the SY-1000 and M4 in ASIO mode.
  16. I also use it to assist my ear when copying synth sounds from one synth to another or guitar amps and so on.
  17. Easy to test. Create a new project and use PRV to create a click track and then record vocals on another track. Let us know what happens.
  18. I think that depends on the version, I think live 11 dropped support for rewire.
  19. I guess you don't play Fender Rhodes? I usually think of them as paired up with Fender Twin amps. Some guitar fx - wah, fuzz, chorus, phaser, and so on. Depends on what kind of music you play. I think of Hammonds paired with Leslies. I'm not a keyboard player; I'm sure there are others.
  20. It's basically right except for the last bit. Input echo echos the input so you hear the fx, but it doesn't stop latency. Use small IO buffers and low latency fx to try and minimize latency.
  21. I got Omnisphere on sale at musicians friend during one of their 15 or 20% sales. I got it years ago. It seems like I may have paid for an upgrade once and I paid for a moog extension, other than that all the updates have been free. I think it was well worth the money,
  22. The first thing that comes to mind is eq. It's likely you need to eq the guitar for the mix. What sounds good by itself changes in the mix. If it's a lead guitar part - guitarists often boost the mids (around 500 hz). It could also be a problem with dynamics, you can add a compressor to tame the peaks, either before the IF or immediately inside the DAW. If you do it in the DAW then add some make up gain in the compressor and it will raise the level of the track.
  23. If you don't have a guitar preamp you'll want an interface for guitar, something like the axe io. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/axeio/ You'll want one of the inputs to have a 1 MOhm impedance. Many IFs will say hi Z input, but they won't be 1 MOhm. An under powered laptop will have more latency. If your laptop is under powered you may want to consider an amp modeler like the nux mg 30. It will give you amp modeling + fx and an audio IF. https://www.nuxefx.com/mg-30.html
  24. I like an amp that has a light crunch, but you can't use reverb with it and you can't do much with delay except a slap back, if that, so if the reverb and delays take a line level signal you can take a DI from an amp and output the pedal to the PA.
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