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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. PortaTron from Robotic Bean is on sale at PlugInBoutique. Now THAT’S a good one.
  2. Crazy price. And I forgot about Cosmos. It’s in there too.
  3. ‘T was but a joke between me and an old geezer called BassDaddy
  4. $64 upgrade price for me, they can shove it where the woop don’t shine
  5. Makes all the difference. The king’s double stamp of approval!
  6. I believe @Zo had some thoughts on it.
  7. The infamous Venus Theory. The man. The voice. Nice.
  8. Still remember using one attached to a somewhat portable box. But that was ‘87.
  9. A dang good sound bank for a dang good instrument (Chromaphone) by a dang good dev (Barbara Stanwyck).
  10. Got this from VI-Control: From an empty MsoundFactory hit the "edit" button. Then go to "Generator". Then load up a "Drsampler" and just in the middle to the right you'll see the libraries pop up in a menu. So I’m pretty sure it won’t work with LE as you can’t access “edit”.
  11. I asked Melda and got a positive answer that MDrummer is included in MSoundFactory (full version), so the MDrummer packs are fully playable in MSF. Same goes for MXXX as it’s included in MSF (full version) but of course you’ll only be able to use those FX inside MSF (full) on MSF generated sounds, not on external synths. Don’t know it this can be done in MSF LE though.
  12. Still love them after all those years. Got them in 2016. Bundle price was regularly on sale for $99 so this is at its lowest. ECHOES and MAGNETIC II are still pretty pretty good.
  13. Get your Meldway Grand (40GB) here: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MeldwayGrand
  14. And here’s the link to the same libraries plus some more for MSoundFactory, but the Meldway Grand is elsewhere: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MSoundFactory/instruments
  15. Here’s the drum libraries link: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MDrummer/packs
  16. Well, there’s more than a few, 4 actually. I haven’t downloaded the larger ones yet. In total, there’s almost 80GB of drum libraries to get.
  17. Even stopped downloading purchased ones. Here’s looking at you, IK.
  18. Don’t forget that 40GB Meldway Grand, Grem.
  19. Meldway is mighty fine at 40GB. Not perfect but pretty pretty perfect.
  20. Blue is still one of my fav vocal libs.
  21. It’s a pretty fine thing to have in Unify. Dexed, that is.
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