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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. The force is strong, and my Ueberschall collection is getting stronger
  2. I’m quite fond of this kind of players. Deep down I’m still very much a preset guy.
  3. On the other hand, that new Proximity Explorer seems very interesting, offering eight alternatives for every sound you pick.
  4. Haven’t tried. But also haven’t read that you could.
  5. Yeah, that A/B bitimbral thing doesn’t imbue originality.
  6. The dual engine is what makes SA4 different from SA3, apart from more sounds and FX. That dual engine reminds me of what AAS have done with the latest installments of their instruments.
  7. I’m afraid so. Vintage Vault is much larger, holding all the separate UVI synths, while Synth Anthology is more like al integrated vehicle, somewhat comparable to Arturia’s Analog Lab. Conversely, you could compare Vintage Vault to Arturia’s V Collection.
  8. I’m afraid not, at least that’s what I understood from their representative (Drew) in the Gearslutz forum.
  9. Reached out to support and they added the coupon to my account on my request. Only had the (free) Polymax in my account.
  10. And upgrades at half price. Could upgrade my Geosonics for $34.50
  11. Somebody over at GearSlutz shared this. SoundDust always has great stuff. Pretty interesting at $6 (instead of $30) https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?e=eb64c3a0c7&u=111e7c02f08587c085e8dae4e&id=f7a0a0f39c
  12. Got two of those Mk3 MiniLabs recently and love them.
  13. Was waiting for this one to go on sale. Already got and love Panagement and Lens.
  14. Edith: got to enter that SUMMERSALE code
  15. Yeah, sadly when I entered the coupon for $99, it was rejected. So here’s me waiting for a $99 Ultimate 11 bundle. Or I’ll get myself a next generation Volt interface with added FX
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