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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I’d get Bitwig on a good sale. They often sweeten the deal with a nice extra from u-he or a similar dev. Reason is pretty great too, I got in on their Suite bundle offer a year or two ago, which included most of their instruments. On the other hand I still have two of their Balance interfaces but never got to use them.
  2. You’re in for a wonderful time and little sleep.
  3. StringWERK at $39 (list $99) and Chord Sequencer at $35 (list $69). In da house!
  4. Love that ValhallaRoom for acoustic and orchestral. Great to see it updated, thought it was never going to happen because of legacy projects.
  5. Yeah, paid $44 and I thought that was a deal. Didn’t use it since.
  6. Pro-R is a workhorse. All-in-one algo reverb. If I had to keep three verbs: FabFilter Pro-R for algo EastWest Spaces II for convo Zynaptig Adaptiverb for creative
  7. Got this one some time ago. Pretty interesting to play with. Nice to have it as a perpetual license. Not into subs myself.
  8. I was lost. Don’t do this again. Edith!
  9. Go. Get. It. (if you didn’t already)
  10. Checking out them 660s2s too
  11. And what about the 650 to the 600?
  12. I have two 598s and a pair of 599s. Shewd I get the 600? Edith: or the 650. Same price.
  13. Love this little synth. Huuuuuge sound.
  14. And the 2TB is $99, with a slightly better performance than the 4TB.
  15. Still thinking of getting that Signature bundle but I already got lots of their plugs.
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