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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. No song yet, you’ll have to wait until the holidays, Max. Yep, I’m a classically trained flautist (since I was 7) and not very happy with most flute libraries sonically. The one I liked the most until now was 8Dio’s Claire. This new one from OrangeTreeSamples pleases me more. It’s the fullness and warmth. Check out the VI Control thread, they have some added examples that may show you what I mean.
  2. Fleer

    Luftrum Winter Sale

    Cheers. Do you know if that newsletter voucher is time limited?
  3. I gladly offer my contrasting favorable opinion. And I’m a flute player. Love playing this one.
  4. Fleer

    Luftrum Winter Sale

    Still thinking of Lunaris 2 and Bioscape.
  5. Knowing you it’ll be “installed” before Xmas.
  6. A flute from OrangeTreeSamples ain’t just a flute. No, sir!
  7. It’s a good one, very few libraries cover the Nord Lead.
  8. Couldn’t find anything about XLN Life though.
  9. Fleer

    Gone Again!

    Man, you’re the Kruise King. Enjoy, baby Bubba!
  10. I’ve come to really appreciate the YouTube reviews from Arctic Fox, like the ones he did on UVI Falcon. Always fun and always to the point. But this one’s on Black Friday. And it’s gewd.
  11. Would get it for under a tenner. Maybe @Niky Serrano has another 50% off coupon code?
  12. Got everything from Klanghelm. Wonderful dev. And this praise from Sean Costello for the very first Klanghelm reverb is pretty classy indeed.
  13. And it’s got a perfect player now, with the Orchestrator and all. No brainer.
  14. Love that synth. Organic. Made by the infamous Wolfram Franke!
  15. Includes 2200 patches now. Unity’s the gift that keeps on giving
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