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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yep, ImpactSoundworks always brings quality instruments. Also love Koron.
  2. Thanks Larry, got that too. Even got two of them, as I'm a Soundiron and SampleLogic kinda guy. Pretty, pretty, pretty good.
  3. Looking over her misdemeanors, misgivings, misfortunes and Miss whatever her name was. (Cheers, sweet Liam Ó Maonlaí)
  4. Please don’t let her be Miss Understood.
  5. Still wondering if I should. I’m on a Mac and I love Logic Pro. Also have Bitwig, Waveform and Reason. Also, would hate to need another stick. So ?
  6. But his intentions are good.
  7. If anyone doesn’t need his, I’m yours
  8. Does it ever? And you don’t even have Valhalla ? Anyway, first get FabFilter Pro-R and Zynaptiq Adaptiverb. Then we’ll talk.
  9. Gullfoss is the real thing. ‘Nuff said
  10. Any gear credit love?
  11. Try 7 on two accounts
  12. You don’t want Exhale. You need Exhale.
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