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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    iLok Freebies

    Any interesting ones?
  2. Native Access must be the culprit. All went well with K10U’s Service Center. Now I’m anxious to know how my K12CE drive’s 630GB of data will install.
  3. I'm afraid this one doesn't come as a download and requires shipping, while the download version costs $99. Go figure, Musician's Friend.
  4. Already have Proximity and loving it. Now for that T-Bone ...
  5. Get it if you haven't yet. Lots of fun for almost no money.
  6. Fleer

    Zero G Epica

    Still an epic synth indeed. This is about as low as it gets.
  7. That I don't know. I did read in another forum that the drive is perfectly usable as a (new) backup drive, but whether this means repartitioning the drive (and losing its Komplete contents) is uncertain. If you go that way, first make a backup of those contents of course.
  8. Same here. And $1 cheaper than JRR. King L always finds ‘em!
  9. It wouldn’t suffice as a sample drive I guess but it’s still a pretty useful backup device. As such, it’s a slender 1TB drive filled with 633 GB of K12CE stuff.
  10. That’s how it works, Tezza. Just got K12CE today as an upgrade from K10U. After registering I only had to register a few additional instruments.
  11. Still, not sure if I'll get Unique after all. SoundBytes are porting there stuff to the iPad and it seems these are quite similar indeed to the original Mac/PC versions.
  12. Demoing N3A still lets you keep Virtual Mixer as well as Relay: https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/products/neutron/how-to-get-visual-mixer-and-izotope-relay-for-free.html
  13. Well, turned out quite the deal. I really dig those two synths (plus their expansions) and Scaler is perfect for chord progressions. Kudos to PlugInBoutique.
  14. Read @Gearslutz that PA’s head honcho Dirk would have banned vouchers during this month’s summertime sale.
  15. Will be 1.49 EUR next sale, Dollar Bill ?
  16. And those expansions are actually very good too.
  17. You and me, TTF, you and me.
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