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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. You can get these one year subs for $10 or less sometimes. Not always though.
  2. If you’ve got Gullfoss, you don’t need Soothe. Gullfoss rules the Q waves.
  3. Seems there are 4 different impedance related versions (32, 80, 80, 250).
  4. How would this work at the Kobester?
  5. Got that too, from PreSonus, so I got one extra
  6. Not a drummer but I like Ujam’s guitars so I’ll give it a go.
  7. Found an interesting thread here: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/product-alerts-older-than-2-months/1235240-acon-digital-releases-mastering-suite-five-plug-ins-maximum-transparency.html
  8. And those sweet Bösendorfer Staccatos for €9.
  9. Mad at you? i love you TTF! Didn’t know about this one (or forgot, which is more likely). Pretty wonderful indeed.
  10. Seppie in zimino. (She Who Must Be Obeyed)
  11. Sweeheet! Great effects day, ACON and FabFilter
  12. Sweetest deal ever https://www.fabfilter.com/
  13. Just came back from Florence. Focaccia with bresaola, creme cheese and dried tomatoes. Pretty, pretty good.
  14. I’m afraid the voucher code doesn’t work (on Funk Guitarist and Rickenbacker Bass).
  15. Tone2 Rayblaster2 for $49 is low.
  16. Me too. Meanwhile, that software slider will have to suffice.
  17. And there’s Adaptiverb. Zynaptiq’s Adaptiverb. You’ll never look back.
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