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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. No, thinking of getting Voices of Opera first.
  2. Particularly like those Elements instruments (for Kontakt Player) and both Solstice Blue and Green for pads.
  3. You can get the new 40 GB Voices of Opera for $125 at JRR.
  4. Looking good. Interesting review of Omni 2.6 ?
  5. Here’s a comparison vid:
  6. They’re actually quite different, as explained above.
  7. Good write up here: https://tapeop.com/reviews/gear/96/eq2-500-series-2-band-equalizer/
  8. Fleer

    Hornet plugs

    AutoGain Pro Mk2, TrackUtility Mk2c SongKey Mk2, Sybilla Pro and Tape are all pretty, pretty good too. Computer Music had ChorusCM as a freebie this month (July ‘19).
  9. Thanks, HS, very kind of you.
  10. Same here. This is what I found @ ProToolsExpert: ”While the Mäag EQ2 provides some of the same audio magic of its bigger brother, it also adds features which make it the perfect companion to the EQ4. While the EQ4’s wide, musical control over 4 frequency bands for sweetening your tracks, the EQ2’s second band offers greater control over centre frequencies and bandwidth selections, making it a great tool for fixing problems or creating more radical changes. The EQ2 also has the Air Band like the EQ4, but offers a 15KHz band not found on the EQ4. The EQ2’s 11 LMF bell selections on its LMF band: 6 wide and 5 tight, broaden its frequency selections compared to the EQ4, which has only wide bell selections. This allows the EQ2 to zoom in on problem areas in a manner that EQ can’t. The EQ2 also features an Input Attenuator not found on the EQ4 to help normalise the signal before applying EQ.”
  11. Omnisphere 2 is just wonderful. And adding Keyscape makes it indispensable.
  12. Computer Music July ‘19 includes free ChorusCM by Hornet.
  13. Cheers, ZT. No, got this one (and she’s pretty, pretty good) but they launched a new synth a few months ago I’ve got to get my paws on.
  14. Yep, got an instant reply from Koby @EveryPlugin, suggesting me to send Waves a reminder. Solved, got the free bundle. Cheers, K-man, great support as always.
  15. Been waiting for this. The guy behind these instruments, composer Gabriel, is a sounds wizard. Highly recommended.
  16. Found this over at Gearslutz: For just one more week, take an extra $50 off the already $100 discounted intro price of MAP using this code: APD-D6E9G4F5-MAP50
  17. Registered my collection but didn’t get the freebie bundle. Come on, Waves. If they don’t come through, I know Koby will solve this. That’s why I like buying my plugins at EveryPlugin.
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