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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. iZotope have been known to make allowances. I’d go for the $199 deal even if I had no previous stuff from them.
  2. Gonna get me some Hooks & Chords.
  3. Comet is like Eventide Blackhole. And somewhat like Zynaptiq Adaptiverb, but only from afar.
  4. 2 Chromaphone packs for $19 here, not bad, but we’ll be offered to select our annual freebie soon
  5. And then there’s Spectre, and Cassette
  6. Fleer

    Melda BF Sale

    M stands for Mibby ?
  7. Was perusing Best Service thanks to King Larry and stumbled upon this lowest price ever (if you use the Euro setting): https://www.bestservice.com/vip_bundle.html
  8. Thanks guys. Been thinking about Phase Plant.
  9. Thanks Abe! No need to hurry on that one I guess, as it won’t expire, unlike the sounds download.
  10. I thought one download credit would suffice for re-download everything...
  11. Yep, they’re the best.
  12. Try Wave Alchemy. Pretty pretty good.
  13. Does it now get added to the account?
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