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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. We’re all wobbling sheep.
  2. As the dust has settled, I’d like to thank Matthew for one of the best finds in a long while. My MF order came in (as I ordered almost immediately after reading Matthew’s post) and Portal is spinning fine. Good stuff in there. Thanks Matt!
  3. Fleer

    McDSP BF Sale

    Thinking of getting that 6050 for $49 but what about the 6060?
  4. I’ll upgrade for $69 and get that free V8 after all. Edith knows
  5. $99 might be worth it if we get a free upgrade to V8.
  6. Well, seems GC didn’t make anyone happy but MF did some.
  7. I’m a flautist and I’m OK.
  8. I got V4 for $69 so I’ll upgrade to V7 for $29.
  9. Still no news from GC ...
  10. Same here. And I can’t seem to unsubscribe.
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