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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    APD Deal #8 Open

    I do prefer these AcousticSamples guitars to the ones from Ujam, but then you’d miss the bass. Indiginus is real fun, of course, and not expensive. They never do sales (except launch pricing). And I’m sure NI Picked Acoustic is amazing, but I don’t buy individual NI stuff, as I upgrade the Ultimate bundle every few years. I know I’m not much help ...
  2. Thanks ZT, free and intelligent, that’s what I like.
  3. Fleer

    APD Deal #8 Open

    Great bundle indeed. Got them since a year or so and love their UVI engine.
  4. Still, amazing plugins, some of my very best.
  5. Yeah, Epica is kinda epic. Great sound. Kontakt Player.
  6. I looooove Scanner on keys.
  7. Here’s hoping we’ll get GUI resizing on the other ones too without having to pay for the update. GUI resizing is all I wanted with UA-2 and I’m not paying for the UA-3 upgrade to get it.
  8. You get to keep one plugin of your choice. It’s a subscription with a bonus
  9. Now THAT’s one of my first and (still) favorites.
  10. Thanks Lars, great freebie.
  11. Ostinato Larry. The gift that keeps on giving.
  12. Got this last time. Sheer fun.
  13. And it’s pretty, pretty good.
  14. In fact we would need a list of the no-brainers for our FOLO. Edith: FOMO, you FOBO
  15. Yep. Got the large one already. Amazing violin, actually the best in my book.
  16. Now would that be different than last year’s everything bundle ?
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