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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Wow, first time FG-Stress is on sale, me thinks.
  2. Fleer

    iOS deals

    Geoshred is one of the best iOS instruments I ever got.
  3. I’m afraid it’s “freemium” ...
  4. It’s you, Zo, it’s always you.
  5. Fleer

    iOS deals

    Thanks guys. I’m into this as well. Or I want to be, that’s for sure.
  6. Here: https://audiodamage.com/pages/free-downloads
  7. How. Deed. Yoo. Doo. Dat.
  8. Nice indeed, great extra presets. Soundiron rock.
  9. Got several ProductionVoices piano library already. They’re top notch, exquisitely sampled by a Canadian guy called Jason (if I’m not mistaken).
  10. Yeah, love these guys. Got almost everything but still need to jump on Phase Plant.
  11. Yeah, there’s something unnatural about this kind of automatic strummers. They’re urgently in need of a (better) humanizer.
  12. I quite like it, ZT. It’s my ambient soul that needs quenching!
  13. Nice. Already got Veevum and Riffendium from these guys. Good stuff.
  14. And that sweet SynthMaster One!
  15. Some great reviews as always: AAS VA-3, iZotope Neutron3 Advanced, Cinematic Guitars Motion from SampleLogic and that wonderful SoundTheory Gullfoss EQ. Grand cru!
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