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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Saw that too. But wasn’t Spark 2 part of V Collection 4?
  2. Interesting to read that this should be one of the very best Pultec emulations. Zo, your thoughts?
  3. Another interesting tidbit is that the guy behind the Alesis Andromeda worked on IK Syntronik. lf I remember well, his name’s Erik Norlander (yep, that’s him: https://www.eriknorlander.com/bio/). He also did the IK UNO synth.
  4. Thanks guys. Meanwhile, wondering which to upgrade. Monoizer or Stereoizer
  5. Nada. Something indeed.
  6. I guess it’s squarely aimed at Apogee, while they just launched their Windows-capable Symphony desktop interface with DSP. Here’s looking at you, UA.
  7. Fleer

    Waves OVox

    Wonder if this is anything like iZotope’s Vocalsynth 2.
  8. Fleer

    Waves OVox

    They’re all part of the WUP Expire Collection.
  9. Some of the greatest plugins around.
  10. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sAn7baRbhx4
  11. All we’re saying is that it’s January 14.
  12. ... and Edith won’t be making WUPee.
  13. UA is launching Luna. Come on, Apogee, show us some skin.
  14. Those sweet new MOTU interfaces are made in the US, and they cost less.
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