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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Erst die Suppe dann die Puppe.
  2. Not that interesting this time ...
  3. Last time their “Apex” sale was a good one, 60% off Albion V Tundra.
  4. This one has been free for some time now, but it’s really gewd.
  5. Get it here: https://polyversemusic.com/products/wider
  6. Those are two oldies but goodies. Don’t overpay, gentlemen.
  7. Good question. Haven’t found it either but saw it in one of the vids ...
  8. Strangely some people at GearSlutz are calling the SHMC more vibey than the Iron ...
  9. And the Plugin Alliance version SPL Iron has separate mix and master versions.
  10. Zo, how do you compare this to the Shadow Hills one?
  11. And thinking I could have got it for $30 last week. Now I’ll have to pay half that.
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