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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Now Larsee, how cood yee ?
  2. Who is he and what is he to you.
  3. When you go for the Zinio freebies, make sure to unsubscribe afterwards.
  4. Thanks Lars, you rock.
  5. Yep. Best polisher ever. And I know turds.
  6. Finest free series (second only to Spitfire Labs).
  7. SpringVerb for $24. Not bad. Not bad at all.
  8. Do so have it when I have KU12CE? (sounds like corona)
  9. PreQursor2 for me. (Already had OldTimer, EasyVerb, PianoVerb2 and NobleQ)
  10. Anyone in possession of the new FS version ?
  11. That NoiseAsh is pretty, pretty good.
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