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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Interesting: allows for sharing with Spark2.
  2. Arturia iSpark for iPad free until April 30 https://www.arturia.com/make-music#en
  3. But we already had Eusebio’s help, of course.
  4. You cheeky devil you.
  5. Nice one. Got it last year in an MF deal.
  6. Here: https://rekkerd.org/pulsesetter-sounds-offers-disruptor-for-omnisphere-2-free-for-limited-time/
  7. Apparently these guys were formerly known as ...
  8. Got a similar one too: SW06-45S2-RX60 valid for 3 weeks.
  9. Thanks again, Eusebio, couldn’t find that.
  10. Thanks, but there’s an actual link on page 95 of the mag that takes you straight to the ToneSpot CM plugin, yet priced at $49.
  11. ... but I can’t seem to find the coupon code in the mag.
  12. ... with this month’s Computer Music. It’s a tasty taster of Audified’s ToneSpot Express series, it seems.
  13. Good for you, Larry, I’ll check with them too to reset my Silk grand links.
  14. Shake your bundle maker.
  15. Got their grand piano, but I’m also a sucker for choirs, so ...
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