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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Would loooooove that.
  2. Didn’t we get Nucleus for free before, or am I wrong?
  3. Would have loved that too. And VintageWarmer:)
  4. Same we here. Hoping for a lower price.
  5. Qu'est-ce que c'est
  6. I do. But didn’t try yet.
  7. Good news. I wrote in the survey that I would like Plugin Alliance to have more synths (like Thorn). Sure hope my PPG synths will transfer easily.
  8. Mmmm. A self-ban, now there’s a pretty, pretty good idea.
  9. You’re miles above them, King L. I have been posting less and less on other forums. Cakeworld is Larryland. Larryworld is Cakeland ’Nuff said.
  10. Heck, I’m still at v4 so I’m ready to upgrade. But. But I got v4 as a crossgrade from some iOS freebies for $69, so I’m with VB and ZT on this.
  11. And no 2445 or VintageWarmer indeed.
  12. Best e-mag in the biz!
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