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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. They’ll be on to you, Larsy!
  2. Don’t forget Shimmer.
  3. Love it too. Not as much as FabFilter Saturn 2, mind you.
  4. Fleer

    Realivox Blue

    Love that Blue. And the Ladies.
  5. La décadance. Makes me think of Gainsbarre.
  6. Didn’t go that far yet. This is what got of them already: Rock, Rock Ballads, Grunge, Rock Classics The Resource Synthetic Soundtracks 1, 2, 3 Score FX I & II Cinematic Guitar, Groove ShadowsSoundscapes, Cinematic Timeshift, Ambient Noises
  7. Damn, I knew it. Cheers, Synkrotron!
  8. Pretty pretty good. My collection of Ueberschall is getting quite substantial.
  9. And he just pops up when you least expect it.
  10. Some beauties in there like Carbon Electra and that sweet PSP B-Scanner.
  11. Yeah. Riffendium is pretty sweet. I’ve got three of them but don’t have the bass version yet.
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