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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Cheers Lemar, great one. Normally only King L would find these invaluable freebies, so you’re very welcome.
  2. Fleer

    IK VI Group Buy

    Another idea: maybe IK could really make their Group Buys cross-platform and include iPad apps. I for one would love to add an extra Hammond that way. OTOH, future ARM-based Macs and iPads will run the same apps anyhow.
  3. Fleer

    Where’s Lars

    Wherefore art thou, Larsy baby ?
  4. Here: https://quietmusic.eu/serenity
  5. Not much. Got some excess stuff like: AIR AIEP3 Select plus KeepForest AizerX bundle Sampletekk APD Black Grand II & White IK Multimedia stuff Sonokinetic ostinato Ujam stuff Toontrack Grand Piano Slate VTM As I said, stuff ?
  6. Not yet, Grem. Some interested parties but I don’t want to go lower than it already is ?
  7. No prob arnoldoo, I just bought too many plugins to learn and I’m still getting to grips with the entire FabFilter bundle ,,, Luckily I only register plugins when I start using them. This way I can recuperate some of the expense. I bought the AR Collection at EveryPlugin, by the way.
  8. I never got the time to even register the Abbey Road Collection. If anyone’s interested, he or she can have all 11 plugins unregistered for $119 (evidently much less than paid) plus PayPal cost if any. Edit: first PM gets it
  9. Fleer

    IK VI Group Buy

    I have a solution. Maybe the IK Group Buy should be more intrinsically value related. So, if you start with a $199 item, your next item (freebie) could be $199 each or two $99 items, or four $49 items. That way you don’t get the feeling of undervalued freebies.
  10. Fleer

    IK VI Group Buy

    Yep. Definitely not cricket.
  11. In reverse. Pretty, pretty good.
  12. FWIW they are working on a dedicated installer. This should solve the problem of having to download and install a zillion of separate files.
  13. Fleer

    IK VI Group Buy

    I know. I know. Just doesn’t feel the same ...
  14. Fleer

    IK VI Group Buy

    But they’re not “$199”-level great, so getting the Hammond and both Modo’s at $199 each virtually ends the Group Buy fun.
  15. Far away. In another galaxy. Where minds immeasurably superior to ours, watch and scrutinize us while we swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
  16. Here: https://davefore.com/?product=killer-presets-swiss-army-vol-1-presets-for-native-instruments-massive
  17. Fleer

    IK VI Group Buy

    First group buy with selection anxiety for me. I’d love the Hammond, Modo Drum and Modo Bass, each of them at $199 value. But what next? Already have SampleTank 4 and other $199 items. Would be nice if IK could spike the deal by adding their new reverb.
  18. Already have Sample Fuel Cre8 and like it a lot. And I’m a pads man
  19. Fleer

    Where’s Lars

    One week and counting
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