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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. If only I would find the time to download it.
  2. The GUI was one of the reasons that got me off the fence and buy it.
  3. Playing what you already have. Now there’s a listen for sore ears.
  4. These don’t come by often. Wonder EQ.
  5. Gotta love Per from Sampletekk, the guy who did the Nord pianos. These are Some of his very best. Crazy price.
  6. It is, in SampleTank 4 Max. And you guys are right about True Pianos. High time to revisit them.
  7. And great knowledge, my duke !
  8. Upgrades from 6 to 7 are free within a year from purchase.
  9. Will dig in deep this weekend, Craig. Really anxious to compare that new NY Steinway D grand to the Hamburg one. And I want to morph and layer until I can no more
  10. I believe she’s yours to pick
  11. Chris, just checked for ya: they’re not only doing a 20% sale on Standard, but also on the upgrade from Stage to Standard. And you need Standard (or Pro) for morphing and layering.
  12. And that new New York Steinway in Pianoteq 7 is free if you already own the Hamburg one. I do! Edith: he does.
  13. I know, I know. And he’s wonderful at doing that. Still, I was thinking of a definitive list with the three ‘unmissable’ deals per category ...
  14. These guys are great for Cthulhu presets.
  15. They sometimes do specific upgrade sales. If you’re new, I think there’s a 20% off deal on Standard now, which you would need if you want the layering and morphing. If you upgrade between tiers, you always get an extra instrument. Upgrading from version 6 to 7 is always pretty cheap, $29 or so, no matter which tier you’re in.
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