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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Now why would I need to upgrade to Assistant? Tell me. Don’t tell me.
  2. Keep us posted, king L!
  3. Now that’ll be a deal to look out for. Not me, ‘cause she’s mine already. Best violin in virtuality.
  4. Same here. I’m a *****. Then afterwards I may use them. Or not. But I do check out the website before hitting download
  5. Makes me wonder how I keep from going under ...
  6. I’m trying not to lose my head
  7. Soundiron is doing good with these preset packs, like the ones for their Mercury and other choirs. Highly appreciated.
  8. There’s a Belle Filter for free in there as well (instead of $29).
  9. Well, well, well. This is looking gorgeous indeed.
  10. Don't. Push . Me. Cause. I'm. Close. To. The. Edge.
  11. Much obliged, my king.
  12. I’m thinking first half of 2021.
  13. I do find so, Yan. Lots of good REs in there.
  14. Looking pretty interesting nonetheless.
  15. Now that’s a turn of a friendly card!
  16. Which is what I did. Now I hope there’s gonna be a new sound bank before Xmas.
  17. Got them all except PhasePlant. Not paying $100 for that.
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