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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. That Enso looper sure is interesting. Already have Eos2 and love it.
  2. Interesting developer. And good prices at last.
  3. Great vid by our stupendous Simeon:
  4. Instead of $25. Universal now. Includes 22GB of sounds (compressed to 9GB) which you can load into your iPhone or iPad or put on an SSD. Also includes Overloud’s VKFX (iFX) I bought the first version, then the Studio version, then the full iFX, and now Studio 2. It’s that good. Really.
  5. Istanbul Taxi Interior! At last!
  6. It's gone I'm afraid: "Leider sind für diese Software keine Seriennummern mehr verfügbar, da die Aktion ausgelaufen ist."
  7. And all three pretty, pretty good.
  8. MixChecker does look good. But I want nothing else ...
  9. Why do I feel hungry all of a sudden ...
  10. $67 now for the upgrade at JRR Blowout
  11. Fleer

    Scaler 2 sale

    Blendin’ blendin’ blendin’
  12. Chromaphone 3 is still on sale for $75 (and the update for $31).
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